Sunday, 16 December 2012

Astrological factors of political assassination

Political murder or assassination takes place due to greed for power and position in the society. These are signified in Astrology by the planets Sun signifying royal power and Mars signifying military force and strong ego. Jupiter is also involved in respect of power. Enmity is judged in a natal chart from the 6th house and its lord together with the 6th sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo and its lord Mercury. Death is considered as usual from the 8th house and its lord, the sign Scorpio and the planet Saturn. Rahu also signifies all sorts of greed and demonic activities. 10th house and its lord of the natal chart and therefore the 10th sign Capricorn signify the kingdom or position in working sphere. Therefore a relation of the above houses, their lords and the planets with malefics is likely to bring about a political death or assassination, the exact nature of the incident being specified by the characteristics of the signs and the planets involved. The following examples of political death or assassination in different parts of the world will establish the principles explained above: -  

Case 1:
Sun 6
Mars 6
Hers 7
Jup 4

Ven 2

Merc  7
Ketu 8
Pluto 9

Benazir Bhutto

20:15 P.M.
Balance Mars Dasa up to 12/12/1956
Rahu 22

Sat 14 ®
Nept 14 ®

Moon 14


Case Study: -
In 1988 she became Prime Minister of Pakistan. But in 1990 she was removed from power and was living in exile in U.K. Again in 1993, she became the Prime Minister and in 1996 again she was dismissed from the chair. She was murdered on 27/12/2007 at 5:30 p.m. Raoalpindi. 

Analysis: -
The native was born under Saggitarius rising with the Ascendant/4th lord Jupiter posted in the 6th house in the constellation of the 8th lord Moon and aspected by Rahu posted in the primary maraka place i.e. the 2nd house in Capricorn in the constellation of the 8th lord Moon, too. The primary maraka i.e. the 2nd/3rd lord Saturn is posted in the 10th house in retrogression in the 6th sign of the Zodiac Virgo in the constellation of Mars and combined with Neptune in retrogression and also in the constellation of Mars signifying the underworld. This combination is aspected by Mars from the 7th house, Rahu from the 2nd house and Jupiter in the 6th house thereby increasing the malefic activity of Saturn. Saturn and Mars are in mutual aspect with each other. The Ascendant itself is aspected by Rahu, Sun and Mars combined with Herschel. The 8th house is occupied by 7th/10th lord Mercury, Ketu and the destructive planet Pluto and aspected by Rahu. The 12th house is aspected by Ascendant/4th lord Jupiter and the 2nd/3rd lord Saturn. During 1988 to 1990 she was running through the sub-period of Rahu in the major period of Jupiter. These combinations signify that the native although rose to the highest position of power of her country but she was forced down by the evil military power and during 2007 she was passing through the sub-period of Jupiter in the major period of Saturn both being strong malefics for the native when she was shot dead by some evil forces. 

Case 2:

Ketu 6
Pluto 6
     Sun 4
      Jup 3
      Ven 5

Mars 2
Merc 3

Hers 23 ®

Sat 8
Nept 8
John. F. Cenedy
3:00 P.M. EST
Massachusetts U.S.A
Balance Ven Dasa up to 27/08/1920

Moon 11


  Rahu 20

Case Study: -
John F. Kennedy was sworn in as the 35th President of USA on January 20, 1961. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. He was shot dead.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant being aspected by Saturn combined with Neptune and posted in the 11th house as also by Jupiter, secondary maraka and Badhaka, combined with Sun and Venus. The Ascendant lord Mercury is posted in the 8th house in fiery sign Aries combined with the 3rd/8th lord Mars and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. He was elected as President of U.S.A in Jan, 1961 when the sub-period of Mars in the major period of Rahu was operating. Mars, the 3rd/8th lord combined with the Ascendant/10th lord Mercury is posted in the 8th house in the fiery cardinal sign Aries and aspected by debilated Rahu and the 5th/6th lord Saturn which indicate that his Presidential term could not be completed and from 27/08/1961, the major period of Jupiter was started. During Nov, 1963 the Sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Jupiter was in operation. Jupiter, the 4th/7th lord, is secondary maraka and badhaka for the Virgo Ascendant and Saturn being the 5th/6th lord is not unmixed benefic for the Ascendant. It is posted in the 11th house in mutual aspect with 8th lord Mars and aspecting the Ascendant. Therefore, in this phase the native had no way to escape the malefic planetary impacts and he was murdered. 

Case 3:
Ketu 6
Pluto 6 ®
Jup 4 ®

Sat 9
Nept 8 ®
Indira Gandhi
11:11 P.M.
Balance Sun Dasa up to 14/11/1919

Moon 21
Hers 23
Mars 11

Sun 17
Merc 17
Ven 20
Rahu 20
Case Study: -
She was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India in Jan, 1980 but she could not complete this term since she was assassinated on 31 October 1984.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Cancer rising with the Ascendant lord Moon combined with Herschel being posted in the 7th house with mutual aspect and exchange of house with the 7th/8th lord Saturn posted in the Ascendant in combination with Neptune. The primary maraka place i.e. the 2nd house is occupied by 5th/10th lord Mars and aspected by debilated Rahu posted in the 6th house in combination with 4th/11th lord Venus. The 6th/9th lord Jupiter is posted in the 11th house by exchanging sign with the 11th lord Venus. Similarly the 2nd lord Sun combined with the 3rd/12th lord Mercury is posted in the 5th house exchanging sign with the 5th lord Mars and also being aspected by the latter. These combinations signify the native’s win over her rivals in competitions on the one hand and on the other, these also signify the native’s falling prey to enmity and also her final consequence of being assassinated. She first rose to the highest power of the country during the sub-period of Sun in the major period of Jupiter which are in mutual aspect in the natal chart. In the second term i.e. during 1967 the sub-period of Mars in the major period of Jupiter was operating. In the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of the same, the Bangladesh war took place and due to the mutual sign exchange of the Ascendant and the 7th lord, she won over the war. In the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Saturn, she was wrongly counseled in legal matters and took a wrong decision in her career for which she had to step down from her chair of Prime Minister during the sub-period of Ketu in the major period of Saturn. In the sub-period of Venus in the major period of Saturn, she again came to power in 1980 but in 1984 when the sub-period of Rahu in the major period of Saturn was operating, she was shot dead by her body guards.   

Case 4:

Pluto 6

Jup 1 ®

Ven 9       Sat 8
Ketu 8      Nept 8
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya
2:17 PM Jaipur
Balance Ven Dasa up to 09/12/1931
Rahu 21
Hers 23 ®
Moon 11

Sun 12
Merc 14 ®
               Mars 15


Case Study: -
Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya became the President of the Jana Sangh in the year 1968. On February 11, 1968, Deendayal Upadhyaya was killed during his tour in the south to preach his party’s missions.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Capricorn rising occupied by strong malefic Rahu combined with Herschel while the Ascendant/2nd lord Saturn combined with Yoga karaka Venus and malefic Ketu together with Neptune is posted in the 7th house signifying surroundings and also the secondary maraka place. The 7th lord Moon is posted in the 8th house while the 8th lord Sun combined with the 6th/9th lord exalted Mercury is posted in the 9th house being aspected by Saturn and Rahu. The four angles are occupied by malefics viz. Rahu in the Ascendant, 3rd/12th lord Jupiter (malefic for the Ascendant) in the 4th, Saturn combined with Venus in the 7th and Mars in the 10th house. The Ascendant is, therefore, afflicted by Saturn, Rahu and Mars. Thus, inspite of a Raja Yoga being formed by the combination of Saturn and Venus, due to the affliction of the four angles and the 8th lord as well as the 8th house by malefics, the native could not complete his mission by a cruel murder. 

Case 5:

Jup 5


Rahu 8

Mahatma Gandhi
02/10/1869 7:12 AM
21’37” N 69’49” E


Ketu 22

Moon 11

Sun 12

Asc Mars 16
Merc 15
Ven 1

Sat 18


Case Study: -
On 30 January 1948, Gandhi was shot while he was walking to a platform from which he was to address a prayer meeting. The assassin, Nathuram Godse, was a Hindu nationalist with links to the extremist Hindu Mahasabha, who held Gandhi responsible for weakening India by insisting upon a payment to Pakistan.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Libra rising with the Ascendant/8th lord Venus combined with strong maraka Mars and 9th/12th lord Mercury being posted in the Ascendant, Mercury and Venus being in the constellation of Rahu signifying criminals while Mars in the constellation of 3rd/6th lord Jupiter posted in the 8th house in the constellation of Mars. The 8th house is thus occupied by malefic Jupiter and aspected by Saturn and Mars. The Ascendant is hemmed between malefics. The 2nd house is occupied by malefic Saturn in its inimical sign Scorpio signifying death, secrecy etc. and aspected by malefic Jupiter and Rahu. The 6th house is aspected by Rahu. The 10th lord Moon is hemmed between malefics and aspected by Saturn. The 4th house is occupied by malefic Ketu and aspected by Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu. The 7th house is aspected by Mars, Mercury and Venus. Thus, all the four angles and the primary maraka place 2nd house, the other two evil houses viz. 6th and the 12th houses being afflicted by malefics inclusive of the 6th lord Jupiter in the 8th house in the constellation of Mars signifying religious dogmatism, the native became a prey to this and had to pay the ultimate price at the cost of his life.  

Case 6:
Moon 6
Mars 5
Ketu 4

Sat 2

Jup 2

Merc 23

President Roosevelt
30/01/1882 8:45 P.M.
40’43” N 72’59”W
                Sun 22
Ven 22


Rahu 17


Case Study: -
While Roosevelt was campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 14, 1942, a saloonkeeper named John Schrank shot him.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant/10th lord Mercury being posted in the 6th house in the sign Aquarius in the constellation of Mars i.e. heading towards the sign of debilation. The 8th house is occupied by the 5th/6th lord debilated Saturn combined with secondary maraka and badhaka Jupiter in the fiery sign Aries in the constellation of Venus, the 2nd/9th lord. The 2nd/9th lord Venus combined with the 12th lord Sun is posted in the 5th house in Capricorn and aspected by Saturn combined with Jupiter as also by 3rd/8th lord Mars combined with 11th lord Moon. The primary maraka viz. 2nd house i.e. the sign Libra is aspected by Rahu, Saturn and Jupiter while the Ascendant itself is aspected by the malefic Mars combined with Moon. The 12th house i.e. the sign Leo is aspected by Jupiter combined with Saturn. Thus, all the factors relating to murder being present in this chart, the native was shot dead.   

Case 7:

Sat 6


Rahu 8
Rajiv Gandhi
Birth:- 20/8/1944
7:11 A.M. IST
18        N  58  72  E  50
Balance Ven Dasa 12/1/15

Ketu 21
Asc Sun 10
Moon 11
Jup 11 Ven 11
       Mars 12
Merc 12

Case Study: -
He was sworn in as the Prime Minister of India in 31st Oct, 1984 following the murder of his mother Shreemati Indira Gandhi. Rajiv Gandhi's last public meeting was at Sriperumbudur on 21 May 1991. The assassination was carried out by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) suicide bomber Thenmozhi Rajaratnam also known as Gayatri and Dhanu.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Leo rising occupied by the Ascendant lord Sun, the 12th lord Moon, the 5th/8th lord Jupiter and 3rd/10th lord Venus, the combination being hemmed between malefics and aspected by 6th/7th lord Saturn from the 11th house in Gemini. The primary maraka 2nd house is occupied by strong malefic Mars and the 2nd lord Mercury, Mars being in mutual aspect with the 6th/7th lord Saturn. The 8th house is aspected by Mars, the primary maraka Mercury, the 6th/7th lord Saturn and strong malefic Rahu. The 12th house is occupied by Rahu hemmed between malefics. The 6th house is occupied by Ketu signifying secrecy and aspected by Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio is aspected by Rahu. Thus, all these combinations definitely point to the native’s assassination by secret enemies in the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Rahu.  

Case 8:

Ketu 4
Merc 3
Sun 2
Hers 2
Sat 26
Ven 27 ®

Pluto 8

            Saddam Hussein

Birth: - 28/04/1937
7:05 A.M. Tikrit
Balance Sat Dasa up to 14/02/1945

          Jup 21
Nept 11 ®

Moon 17
Mars 17®
Rahu 18

Case Study: -
On 5 November 2006, Saddam Hussein was found guilty of crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Aries rising occupied by the 5th lord Sun, the significator of royal power combined with Herschel signifying some extraordinary quality in the constellation of the strong maraka Venus posted in the 12th house. The 10 house is occupied by the debilated 9th/12th lord Jupiter in the constellation of Sun while the 10th/11th lord Saturn is posted in the 12th house combined with maraka Venus in its own constellation and aspected by malefic Rahu combined with 4th lord Moon and the Ascendant/8th lord Mars posted in the 8th house. These combinations signified that the native was brought down from his royal chair by some foreign power combined with his surroundings inclusive of down-trodden people. The 8th house is occupied by the 4th lord Moon, the Ascendant/8th lord Mars, both in the constellation of strong enemy Saturn together with malefic Rahu signifying foreign power in the constellation of 6th lord Mercury which is posted in the primary maraka i.e. 2nd house in the constellation of the Sun combined with Ketu and aspected by the combination of Moon, Mars, Rahu in the 8th house mutually as also by the malefic Saturn combined with Venus and debilated Jupiter. These combinations signify that he was put to death through a judiciary process not totally unbiased. He was hanged during the sub-phase of Rahu in the major period of Mars.    

Case 9:

Pluto 6 ®

Ketu 2
Sun 26
Merc 2 6®
        Ven 23
Moon 23
Hers 24
Jup 8®
Nept 8 ®
Mujibur Rahman
Birth: - 17/03/1920
11:29 P.M. Faridpur
Balance Mars Dasa up to 05/08/1923

Sat 11 ®

Mars 15 ®
Rahu  16


Case Study: -
The assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman took place in the early hours of August 15, 1975, when a group of junior army officers invaded Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's residence with tanks. At the time of his assassination, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was serving as the president of Bangladesh.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Scorpio rising with the Ascendant/6th lord Mars combined with Rahu being posted in the 12th house in Libra in the constellation ruled by Rahu and aspected by 3rd/4th lord retrograde Saturn posted in the inimical sign Leo in the 10th house. The Ascendant is aspected by exalted retrograde Jupiter combined with retrograde Neptune, both in the constellation of Saturn. 6th house is occupied by Ketu signifying secret enmity in the constellation of Venus, the 7th/12th lord and aspected by Mars and Rahu from the 12th house. The 10th house is occupied by malefic retrograde Saturn while the 10th lord Sun combined with the 8th/11th lord debilated Mercury is posted in the 5th house and aspected by the 2nd/5th lord exalted Jupiter from the 9th house. The 9th lord Moon combined with the 7th/12th lord Venus and Herschel is posted in the 4th house and aspected by the 4th lord Saturn from the 10th house. These combinations confirmed that the native rose to the royal power of the country and earned immense public fame for his devotional work to the country, but due to secret enmity of some evil subordinates (signified by the combination of Rahu with the 6th lord Mars and aspecting the 6th house) he was murdered in the sub-phase of Sun in the major phase of Saturn.    

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