Monday, 10 December 2012

Astrological factors of mysterious deaths

In Astrology, death is judged from the 8th house and its lord of the natal chart and also of the sign Scorpio and its lord Mars. Death is considered to be the mysterious most incident in material world and therefore the 8th house itself is the significator of all mysteries. In the planetary kingdom Ketu and Neptune are considered as the significators of all mysterious affairs. Rahu is considered to be responsible for all abnormal incidents while Herschel signifies uncommon features. In the natal chart, the 2nd and the 7th houses together with their lords are considered as marakas i.e. factors leading to death. Therefore, relation of the 8th house and/or its lord together with the other houses, their lords and the planets mentioned above indicate abnormal or mysterious death of the native and as usual the Ascendant and its lord should also be taken into account in this respect. The following examples will support the factors mentioned above: -   

Case 1:
Hers 5
Ven 6
    Sun 3
Merc 4

Rahu 2

                     Pluto 9
Moon 7
Sat 9
Birth:- 14/5/1948
2:15 (Kanpur)
Balance Jup Dasa

Mars 10

Nept 13 ®

Ketu 16

Jup 19 ®

Case Study: -
On 18th March, 2007 the native was found dead in his hotel room.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Aquarius rising with the Ascendant/12th lord Saturn posted in the 6th house in combination with the 6th lord Moon and Pluto, the significator of destruction in the constellation of 8th lord Mercury. The 8th house is hemmed between malefics, occupied by the mystic planet Neptune and aspected by Saturn. The 8th lord Mercury combined with the 7th lord Saturn is posted in the 4th house in the constellation of the 6th lord Moon. The 2nd house i.e. the primary maraka place is aspected by Rahu and Mars while the secondary maraka place i.e. the 7th house is occupied by the strong enemy Mars in the constellation of Ketu signifying secrecy and aspected by malefic Rahu from the 3rd house and by primary maraka i.e. the 2nd lord retrograde Jupiter posted in the 11th house and also in the constellation of Ketu. Therefore, these planetary positions confirm some mystery in the native’s death.

Case 2:

 Mars 7
 Ketu 2
 Jup 27
 Sun 24

Sat 8 ®

 Merc 22
Ven 22


Rahu 16

Moon 18

Case Study: -
The chart relates to a lady who was married during Rahu-Ven Dasa and within three years since marriage, her husband committed suicide.    

Analysis: -
The lady’s husband should be judged from the 7th house of the lady’s natal chart. Therefore, her husband’s Ascendant is to be considered as Pisces which is occupied by the Ascendant lord Jupiter itself in the constellation of the secondary maraka i.e. the 7th lord Mercury. The Ascendant is hemmed between malefics. The 8th house is occupied by Rahu while the 3rd/8th lord Venus combined with the secondary maraka Mercury is posted in the 11th house in the constellation of Moon which is again posted in the 9th house in debilation in the 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio in the constellation of the 7th lord Mercury. The combination of Mercury and Venus in the 11th house is in mutual aspect with the 11th/12th lord Saturn posted in the 5th house. Therefore, it appears that the lady’s husband’s death has some underlying mystery in which his wife should have an important role.  

Case 3:

Sun 6
Merc 6
Jup 5

Ven 3
Mars 2
Ketu 27

Sat 9
Birth:- 30/06/1977
2:30 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Ketu Dasa up to 15/05/1982

              Rahu 14
             Pluto 13
Hers 15®

Nept 18®
Moon 19

Case Study: -
The native married a girl coming of a very rich family. His matrimonial relatives did not accept the marriage and as a consequence he was put to death in a mysterious way on 21st September, 2007 at about 10:21 a.m. outside his house at a fairly long distance.     

Analysis: -
The native was born under Libra rising with the Ascendant/8th lord Venus being posted in the 7th house i.e. the cardinal sign Aries ruled by Mars in combination with the same, the two being respectively in the constellations of the Sun signifying aristocracy and royal power and in the constellation of Venus signifying matrimonial affairs and the Ascendant lord itself. The 12th house is occupied by malefic Rahu in the constellation of Mars and aspected by the 5th/6th lord Saturn posted in the 10th house in the constellation of the 12th lord Mercury. The 8th house is occupied by the 3rd/6th lord Jupiter, a strong malefic for the Ascendant in the constellation of the 7th lord Mars. The 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio is occupied by Neptune, both signifying mystery and secrecy. These combinations indicate that the native should have died outside his home and at a place having regular movements of some vehicles and his death embraces some mystery.

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