Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.
1. Saying: - "All the sorrows that mankind have to suffer from on the earth are originated from the attachment to opposite sex and money; the far away one remains from these two, the better life one enjoys."
Interpretation: - In Astrology, the second house in a natal chart signifies finance and wealth while the seventh house the enjoyment of opposite sex. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Taurus and Libra. The lords of both the signs is Venus who, in Hindu Astrology is designated as the Master of the demons i.e. the preacher of material enjoyments and as such designated to be belonging to the destructive group of planet in guise of external pleasures. The two houses are termed as "Maraka" of which the second house is the primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary maraka. Sorrows in life are judged mostly from the eighth house and in addition the sixth and the twelfth houses, too. The seventh house from the second house which signifies detriment of the second house is the eighth house which is also the second house from the seventh house. These signify that loss of wealth and accumulated enjoyments of sexual happiness bring in sorrows. Furthermore, the apparent happiness derived from sexual pleasures awarded by Venus lead to loss of body energy which brings in sorrows and ultimately death. Therefore, it is clear the roots of all sorrows in human life are derived from the attachment towards wealth and sex pleasures which has been expressed in this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra in conformity with the astrological principles.
2. Saying: - "Women not viewed with lust become mothers poison is converted into nectar and a mother is the Mother and nothing else."
Interpretation: - In a natal chart, sexual urge is judged from the seventh house which in the zodiac is the sign Libra - the active field of Venus - cardinal airy sign of Tamasik nature which means that the sexual urge based on Tama Guna leads living beings to different destinies. The highest expression of any house in a natal chart is manifested in the tenth house counted from the starting house. With respect to the sign Libra, it is the sign Cancer which is the cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature ruled by Moon. Venus signifies women to be treated for fulfillment of physical lust whereas Moon signifies motherhood, affection, sympathy, domestic happiness etc. Therefore, it is evident that femalehood finds her best manifestation through motherhood which is expressed in the form of pure love, affection etc. as seen through the kind appearance of the deity Laxmi Devi. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is in quite in conformity with the astrological principles.
3. Saying: - "Discussion on Cosmogony, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. control the sex urge."
Interpretation: - In Astrology, planets signifying sex urge and lust are Mars and Venus. Mars is male and fiery planet while Venus is female and earthy one. The main constituent of creation is energy or fire which is signified by the male planet Mars whereas the receiving factor of the male energy by the egg cell of female is signified by Venus. This indicates that in the matter of creation of living beings, Mars and Venus have simultaneous functions. In Astrology, Mars also signifies efficiency in Mathematics whereas Venus signifies the power of revival of the dead or conversion of one substance into another which is the domain of Chemistry. Further, Mars also signifies Technical signs. In human life, the Zodiac and the related planets and constellations contribute their activities in the physical, mental, spiritual level as well as at different arenas of surroundings. To neutralize the excessiveness of one level, the same at other levels is required. Therefore, the sex urge inherent in the functions of Mars and Venus can be neutralized in a constructive fashion by the discussions on the subjects like Doctrine of Creation, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra also supports the principles of Astrology.
1. Saying: - "All the sorrows that mankind have to suffer from on the earth are originated from the attachment to opposite sex and money; the far away one remains from these two, the better life one enjoys."
Interpretation: - In Astrology, the second house in a natal chart signifies finance and wealth while the seventh house the enjoyment of opposite sex. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Taurus and Libra. The lords of both the signs is Venus who, in Hindu Astrology is designated as the Master of the demons i.e. the preacher of material enjoyments and as such designated to be belonging to the destructive group of planet in guise of external pleasures. The two houses are termed as "Maraka" of which the second house is the primary maraka and the seventh house the secondary maraka. Sorrows in life are judged mostly from the eighth house and in addition the sixth and the twelfth houses, too. The seventh house from the second house which signifies detriment of the second house is the eighth house which is also the second house from the seventh house. These signify that loss of wealth and accumulated enjoyments of sexual happiness bring in sorrows. Furthermore, the apparent happiness derived from sexual pleasures awarded by Venus lead to loss of body energy which brings in sorrows and ultimately death. Therefore, it is clear the roots of all sorrows in human life are derived from the attachment towards wealth and sex pleasures which has been expressed in this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra in conformity with the astrological principles.
2. Saying: - "Women not viewed with lust become mothers poison is converted into nectar and a mother is the Mother and nothing else."
Interpretation: - In a natal chart, sexual urge is judged from the seventh house which in the zodiac is the sign Libra - the active field of Venus - cardinal airy sign of Tamasik nature which means that the sexual urge based on Tama Guna leads living beings to different destinies. The highest expression of any house in a natal chart is manifested in the tenth house counted from the starting house. With respect to the sign Libra, it is the sign Cancer which is the cardinal watery sign of Tamasik nature ruled by Moon. Venus signifies women to be treated for fulfillment of physical lust whereas Moon signifies motherhood, affection, sympathy, domestic happiness etc. Therefore, it is evident that femalehood finds her best manifestation through motherhood which is expressed in the form of pure love, affection etc. as seen through the kind appearance of the deity Laxmi Devi. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is in quite in conformity with the astrological principles.
3. Saying: - "Discussion on Cosmogony, Mathematics, Chemistry etc. control the sex urge."
Interpretation: - In Astrology, planets signifying sex urge and lust are Mars and Venus. Mars is male and fiery planet while Venus is female and earthy one. The main constituent of creation is energy or fire which is signified by the male planet Mars whereas the receiving factor of the male energy by the egg cell of female is signified by Venus. This indicates that in the matter of creation of living beings, Mars and Venus have simultaneous functions. In Astrology, Mars also signifies efficiency in Mathematics whereas Venus signifies the power of revival of the dead or conversion of one substance into another which is the domain of Chemistry. Further, Mars also signifies Technical signs. In human life, the Zodiac and the related planets and constellations contribute their activities in the physical, mental, spiritual level as well as at different arenas of surroundings. To neutralize the excessiveness of one level, the same at other levels is required. Therefore, the sex urge inherent in the functions of Mars and Venus can be neutralized in a constructive fashion by the discussions on the subjects like Doctrine of Creation, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology etc. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra also supports the principles of Astrology.
Do thakurankulchandra knew the language of mars planet or had ever seen mars in reality without telescope. As becoz i had seen such a planet or a planet like thing coming out of the mother earth at my hometown silchar assam. I want to pass or forward this message to acharyadev sri sri dada for outmost reply with a geniune answer as soon as possible.