Sunday, 20 January 2013

Astrological factors for unhappy marriage Part 1

In a natal chart marriage and the conjugal life are judged from the 7th house and its lord. The domestic happiness is judged from the 4th house and its lord. In the Zodiac these are signified by the signs Libra and Cancer together with their lords viz. Venus and Moon respectively. For a male being the significators for wife are  Venus and Moon, the former in particular while for a female being those for husband are Mars and Sun, the former in particular. For a happy conjugal life these houses and their lords and the significators should be influenced by benefics viz. Jupiter. But for unhappy marriage, influence of natural malefics like Mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu should be exerted on the corresponding houses. In addition, the malefic houses and their lords’ viz. 6th, 8th and 12th houses should also be related with the 7th and the 4th houses, the former in particular. Relation of Mars signifies separation or death of the spouse that of Sun signifies unhappy conjugal relation due to vanity of the spouse for coming of a higher family. Relation of Saturn causes separation due to misunderstanding or intrusion of mean natured people in conjugal matters. Relation of Rahu causes unhappiness due to extramarital contacts of the native. Relation of Ketu signifies separation due to indifferent attitude of the partner. Relation of Mercury signifies legal actions in marital affairs or the impotency of the partner. Relation of Moon causes unhappiness due to frequently changing mind of the native in the matter of selection of partners. These effects are further intensified by the association or aspect of different malefics. For a female being, judgment should be made more from the Moon sign than the Ascendant as the influence of Moon is more important for a female being. In addition, the effect of the dreaded Bhouma Dosha should be noted in particular which is developed by the deposition of Mars in the Ascendant, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses of the natal chart or from the Moon sign. However, influence of benefic Jupiter and the strength of 9th house and its lord and the disposition of the 9th sign of the Zodiac viz. Saggitarius will reduce the malefic effects to some degree. These principles are illustrated with the following examples: -          

Case 1:

Mars 7
Hers 6

Moon 27
Rahu 27

Sun 9
Pluto 9
Birth:- 14/08/1949
After 00:10 A.M.(Kolkata)
Balance Merc Dasa up to
9 years
Balance Merc Dasa 05/12/58 

Jup 21 ®
Merc 11
Ven 12
Sat 11
       Ketu 14
Nept 13

Case Study: -
The native became entangled in a romantic affair but immediate after marriage due to the interference of the matrimonial relatives his conjugal life became disrupted and the tie was broken. 

 Analysis: -
The native was born under Taurus rising with the Ascendant/6th lord Venus, the significator of romance and marriage being combined with the 2nd/5th lord Mercury and 9th/10th lord Saturn in the 4th house and hemmed between malefics. The 5th house is occupied by Ketu and Neptune and aspected by the 7th/12th lord Mars, 8th/11th lord Jupiter and the combination of Moon and Rahu. The 7th house is aspected by malefic Rahu while the 7th house from the Moon sign is occupied by Ketu and Neptune and aspected by debilated Jupiter and weak Mars. The 4th lord Sun combined with Pluto is posted in the 3rd house hemmed between malefics and aspected by debilated Jupiter as well as by Rahu combined with Moon. These combinations indicate that the native had developed a peculiar romantic affair which although resulted in marriage but the same could not continue for long due to the interference of some old and narrow minded relatives signified by Saturn. The native can not be happy in conjugal and other domestic affairs. The romantic affair of the native happened during sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Venus and the tie broken in the sub-period of Ketu of the same major period.

Case 2:

Ketu 24

Birth:- 18/12/1979
12:05 A.M.(Kolkata)

Ven 21
Rahu 10
Jup 11
Mars 11
Sat 12
Pluto 14
Hers 16
Moon 17
Merc 17
Nept 18

Sun 19

Case Study: -
The chart belongs to a girl who was compelled to marry a boy while under a strained situation when going to college at the age of 22 years during Merc-Sat phase but she had to leave her husband’s house during Ketu-Mars phase and has been staying at her parent’s home. A divorce suit has been filed with claim for maintenance. 

Analysis: -
The girl was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant/10th lord Mercury combined with the 11th lord Moon being posted in the 3rd house in the constellation of the 5th lord Saturn posted in the Ascendant in the constellation of 12th lord Sun. The 5th house is occupied by the karaka Venus in the constellation of the 12th lord Sun while the 12th lord Sun is himself posted in the 4th house in the dual sign Saggitarius. The 4th/7th lord Jupiter combined with the 3rd/8th lord Mars is posted in the 12th house in Leo in the constellation of Venus and combined with malefic Rahu in the constellation of Ketu posted in the 6th house thereby forming a strong malefic Bhouma Dosha. The 7th sign Libra is occupied by Herschel while the 8th sign Scorpio occupied by Moon and Mercury is combined with Neptune. These combinations signify the girl to be entangled in a peculiar matrimonial connection signified by Herschel and Neptune and the deposition of Sun and Venus while the strong Bhouma Dosha caused her separation leading to divorce. 

Case 3:

Rahu 9
Birth:- 1/1/1962
8:25 A.M.(Shrirampur)
             Sat 21   Jup 22
Ketu 23 Asc
Hers 10 ®
Pluto 11 ®

Nept 15
Moon 15

   Mars 19 
Ven 19
Sun 20
  Merc 20

Case Study: -
The chart relates to a boy who is a manager in a privet farm. He has a male child who lives with his mother separately. A divorce suit is filed against his wife. He was arrested by police and kept in custody in Burdwan in a scandal related to a girl.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Capricorn rising with the Ascendant/2nd lord Saturn combined with 3rd/12th lord debilated Jupiter as well as Ketu being posted in the Ascendant and aspected by Rahu posted in the 7th house. The 7th house is aspected by strong malefic Mars posted in the 12th house as also by Saturn and Jupiter posted in the Ascendant. The 12th house is occupied by 4th/11th lord Mars and 5th/10th lord Venus both in the constellation of Ketu as also by 8th lord Sun and 6th/9th lord Mercury both in the constellation of Venus. The 7th lord Moon combined with Neptune signifying mysterious affairs is posted in the 10th house in Libra in the constellation of Rahu posted in the 7th house. These combinations confirmed the native’s being entangled in a number of illicit connections leading to his confinement in police custody and legal punishment as also divorce together with the disruption of relation with the issue due to the 5th lord Venus being posted in the 12th house from the Ascendant and its lord.     

Case 4:

Mars 7

Moon 27
Jup 27

Rahu 24

Birth:- 24/07/1951
3:29 P.M.(Kolkata)

Ketu 11    
Merc 10
Ven 11

Sat 14


Case Study: -
The chart belongs to a boy who is an I.A.S officer and has filed a divorce suit in 1999 during Ketu Dasa. His wife is a quarrelsome lady having some secret romantic affairs.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Scorpio rising with the Ascendant/6th lord being posted in the 8th house in the inimical sign Gemini forming Bhouma Dosha which is further intensified due to the mutual aspect with Saturn posted in the 11th house in Virgo and also by Rahu posted in the 4th house. The 7th lord Venus combined with the 8th/11th lord Mercury and Ketu is posted in the 10th house and aspected by Rahu from the 4th house. The 9th lord Moon combined with the 2nd/5th lord Jupiter is posted in the 5th house and aspected by Saturn from Virgo. These combinations signify that the native is inclined to spiritual matters but his wife is a quarrelsome lady having some secret romantic affairs thereby forming a mismatch for the native leading to a divorce suit filed by the native.

Case 5:
Sun 6
Merc 7
Jup 7

Ketu 26

Moon 24

Ven 9
Birth:- 25/06/1978
09:31 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 20/05/1982

Mars 10
Sat 10
       Rahu 12
Pluto 13

Hers 15

Nept 18

Case Study: -
The native married a software engineer working in U.S.A but developed no conjugal relation with husband. She  siphoned 26 lacs rupees from the account of her husband and filed a case against her husband and in-laws under section 498 and arranged to put them in custody for a couple of days. Later she filed a divorce suit against her husband on the plea of physical and mental torture which has been granted by the Hon’ble court without any maintenance.    

Analysis: -
The girl was born under Aquarius rising with the 6th lord Moon posted in the Ascendant in the constellation of Rahu and in mutual aspect with strong malefics Mars and Saturn, both posted in the 7th house in Leo in the constellation of Ketu thereby forming the very strong Bhouma Dosha. Ketu is posted in the 2nd house in the constellation of Saturn and aspected by Rahu from the 8th house and Mars from the 7th house thereby afflicting the 2nd house strongly. The Ascendant together with the Moon is also aspected by 2nd/11th lord Jupiter combined with 7th lord Sun and 5th/8th lord Mercury posted in the 5th house. The 4th/9th lord Venus, the significator of marriage is posted in the 6th house in constellation of 5th/8th lord Mercury. The 7th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Libra is occupied by Herschel and aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. The combination of Saturn and Mars in the 7th house is also aspected by Rahu, the latter being also aspecting the 12th house and the 4th house. Thus, all the factors relating to conjugal and domestic happiness being afflicted by malefics along with the strong Bhouma Dosha, the girl disrupted the marital relation and put the in-laws in custody and ultimately the tie was broken legally.  

1 comment:

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