Thursday, 1 November 2012


Astrological criteria for actors
In Astrology, the main planet for acting is Venus. With this, Mercury is also involved because the function of an actor is to play the role of somebody else which is the function of Mercury. Such activities are related to public in general and for the success in acting, the strength and benefic deposition of Sun is essential because the latter signifies public fame. Since Moon signifies the public in general with whom an actor has to come in contact in connection with the profession, the strength and deposition of Moon is also to be taken into account. The character in which the person will be successful in the field of acting will be determined by the nature of the planets associated with Moon, Venus, Mercury, the 10th house and/or its lord, the signs Libra, Cancer, Leo and Capricorn. These principles are illustrated in the following cases: -

Case 1:

Sat 6 ®
Ketu 5

Mars 1

Aishwarya Rai
Birth:-1/11/1973 5:30 a.m. (Hyderabad, A.P)
Balance Ven Dasa up to 29/5/1983

Jup 22

Pluto 13
Sun 15
Hers 14

Merc 16®
Neptune 17
Ven 19
 Moon 20
Rahu 19

Case Study: -
The native is a film actress who earned the crown of Miss World. She is married to Abhishek Bachchan after lots of dramatic events.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Libra rising with the 11th lord Sun debilated in the Ascendant in combination with Herschel, the debilation of Sun being cancelled due to the position of Saturn in the friendly 9th house Gemini. The 10th lord Moon and the Ascendant/8th lord Venus are combinedly posted in the first Upachaya place i.e. third house in association with debilated Rahu which is strong in position. Mercury, the 9th/12th lord is posted in the 2nd house in the watery sign Scorpio in combination with another watery planet Neptune. The relative positions of the Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn as also the same between Mercury and Jupiter together with the 2nd/7th lord strong Mars brought the native tremendous success and world-wide reputation in the line of acting. She was in her child hood married to a tree for Mangalik Dosha which is indicated by the position of Mars in the 7th house in the constellation of Aswini signifying double involvements. The fifth lord Saturn being in the 9th house with Ketu in the dual sign Gemini in Rahu’s Constellation signifies frustration in love affairs. The association of Moon and Venus in a dual sign brought her immense public fame. The combination of Sun with Herschel and the position of Neptune in the second in a watery sign with Mercury signify the beauty of the native’s eyes.                  

Case 2:

Mars 3

Ketu 27

Moon 22
Ven 10

            Sun 12
Merc 12
Rahu 14

Jup 15

Sat 18

Case Study: -
The native was an actress who died in a fiery accident.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Leo rising with the 3rd/10th lord Venus posted in the Ascendant. Ascendant lord Sun and the 2nd/11th lord exalted Mercury are strongly deposited in the 2nd house in combination with strong Rahu. The Moon is posted in the 10th sign Capricorn in its own constellation in benefic aspect with Saturn, Ketu, Mars, Sun, Mercury, Rahu and Jupiter. These factors made the native a rising actress but due to other malefic relations she died in a fiery accident at an early age.

Case 3:

      Moon 4
Sat 3

Mars 24
Sun 8
Ven 7 Ketu 8

Rahu 22
Merc 13

Jup 17

Case Study: -
She is a successful actress in Bollywood.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Taurus rising with 3rd lord exalted Moon and the Yoga karaka 9th/10th lord Saturn posted in the Ascendant. The Ascendant/6th lord Venus together with the 4th lord Sun is posted in the third house in Cancer ruled by Moon in combination with Ketu and aspected by Rahu and Jupiter. The 5th lord Mercury is posted in the 4th house forming Kendra-Kona Yoga, but aspected by 7th/12th lord and strong enemy Mars which is posted in the 10th house in mutual aspect with Saturn in the Ascendant. A combination of Saturn and Moon is aspected by Mars and Rahu thus affecting the prospect and career of the native as the result, she although became an actress but could not rise to a high position in her career. 

Case 4:

Ketu 24

Mars 3

Asc Sun 10
Sat 12
Rahu 11  
       Merc 12
Ven 13

Jup 19
Moon 19

Case Study: -
He is a successful actor in the role of a villain and is said to have acted in the highest number of films by an individual in the world.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Leo rising with the lord Sun, the significator of public fame being strong in the Ascendant but afflicted by bitter enemies Saturn and Rahu also posted in the Ascendant. This combination brought the native reputation in the role of a villain. The chief planet for actor i.e. Venus, the 3rd/10th lord of the natal chart, is posted in the 2nd house in association with the 2nd/11th lord Mercury exalted in its own sign Virgo, the 6th sign of the Zodiac, thereby making the debilation of Venus canceled. The 5th lord Jupiter and the 12th lord Moon signifying respectively reputation and public contact is posted in the 4th house aspecting the 10th house and the 12th house occupied by debilated Mars but being strengthen due to the mutual interchange of their signs. Thus, the planetary combination for a successful actor being present in the chart, the native rose to a high position in his career.  

Case 5:

Rahu 4

Moon 2
Sun 1
Merc 26
Ven 26
Mars 26

Sat 8


Jup ® 16
Ketu 17

Case Study: -
She is a successful actress in Tollywood.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Virgo rising ruled by Mercury and aspected by the combination of Mars, exalted Venus and debilated Mercury but having debilation canceled from the 7th house. The significator for public fame i.e. Sun is exalted in the 8th house combined with 11th lord Moon in the constellation of Venus, but the combination is hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Thus, the factors responsible for being an actress are present in this chart which made her an actress in Tollywood but the affliction of 11th lord Moon and the significator for reputation and success i.e. Sun by malefics did not permit her to rise to a high status in her career. 

Case 6:

Jup 6
Pluto 7

Merc 1
Sun 27
Rahu 27
Hers 27

Ven 24

Mars 8

  Suchitra Sen

Birth:- 06/04/1931
02:00 A.M.(Bolpur)
Balance Sat Dasa up to 12/03/1950

Neptune 10

Ketu 13

Moon 17
Sat 21

Case Study: -
She was the most prominent and successful actress in Tollywood in her time and now she has been suffering from Cancer and has been living in solitude out of public view.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Capricorn rising with the Ascendant lord Saturn posted in the 12th house which has made her living in old age out of public contact in the worship of the Lord.  The Yoga karaka for the Ascendant i.e. Venus is posted in the 2nd house which awarded her with extremely beautiful eyes. Venus is in trinal relation with the 3rd/12th lord Jupiter and in angular relation with the 7th lord and significator for public i.e. Moon posted in the 11th house in debilation but which has gained strength due to exchange of house with debilated Mars in the 7th house. The significator for public fame and status i.e. Sun is posted in the 3rd house signifying establishment in combination with Rahu and Herschel, the significator for originality, the combination itself being in angular relation with the 3rd lord Jupiter and Ascendant lord Saturn and in trinal relation with 4th/11th lord Mars and 7th lord Moon. These combinations brought the native the best reputation as heroine in Tollywood during her days. But the weakness of Mars, Moon and the affliction of all the three watery signs together with the Sun by Rahu rendered the native a patient of Leukemia.

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