Saturday 27 July 2013

Astrological interpretations of the sayings of Parama Premayo Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra Part 2

Ref : - Bengali works of the author: Jeevan Kandaree Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra.  

4. Saying: - "Contraction leads to sorrows whereas expansion to happiness. Whatever brings complexes like weakness, fear etc. in heart results in lack of happiness and pleasures and i.e. sorrow." (Satyanusarana, Page 11)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles, Saturn in the planetary kingdom of our Zodiac is the significator of sorrows while Jupiter which enlightens human being with wisdom and the knowledge of immortality brings real happiness. Saturn also causes varieties of sorrows, separation, physical and mental disruption, errors, mistakes, illusions which originate from excessive "Tamaguna". Further, in the physical level, Saturn signifies all sorts of contractions. On the other hand, Jupiter is the originator of expansiveness in physical, mental and spiritual levels which lead mankind cross over the barriers of personal, domestic, society and country and help unite with the Supreme Soul resulting in the real happiness and the best achievement of life which is also the desire of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, this saying of Shree Shree Thakur Anukul Chandra is also in conformity with the astrological principles.   

5. Saying: - "Sorrow is an expression of mind and so also happiness. Sorrow originates from the sense of want. Earthly sorrows cannot be destroyed until the sense of want is washed off from the mind and this can only be done with the help of religion." (Satyanusarana, Page 12)      

Interpretation: - In Astrology, the significator of sense of want and desire for material enjoyments is Rahu i.e. Dragon's Head. According to Hindu Puran, Rahu is a demon which knows no bound of fulfilling lust and enjoyments. As such, mental satisfaction is beyond his reach i.e. it is its natural instinct. In a natal chart, judgement of religion and conscience is made from the ninth house which in the Zodiac is the sign Sagittarius - dual, fiery sign of Sattwik nature and ruled by Jupiter and treated as the active field and Mool Trikona of the lord. Both the ninth house and the planet Jupiter signify religion, conscience, non-attachment, indifferent to material enjoyment etc. Further, Jupiter also signifies wisdom, sense of universal identification, realization of Real Truth of life etc. A person becomes freed from sense of want when the eternal truth is revealed to the person which is only possible by the disposition of powerful and benefic Jupiter in the natal chart. Jupiter is the Master and Guide of the deities and in our earthly life is the significator of Satguru. Again, as the lord of the sign Sagittarius Jupiter also symbolises religion and guru i.e. guide. Therefore, Jupiter brings to a native the sense of eternal truth thereby washing out the sense of want and consequently finding the path of eternal peace for the mankind. Therefore, this saying of Thakur Shree Shree Anukul Chandra is a reflector of astrological principles. 

6. Saying: - "Purer your mind, purer will be your eyes and the world will be revealed to you in its pure form." 
                   (Satyanusarana, Page 14)

Interpretation: - According to astrological principles human mind is divided into three layers. The first layer which signifies the surface of mind is judged from the fourth house of the natal chart, the middle layer is judged from the fifth house and the subconscious mind is judged from the ninth house. In the Zodiac, the corresponding signs are Cancer, Leo and Sagittarius in order and are ruled by Moon, Sun and Jupiter which are very close friends two one another according to the classification of planets on the basis of their functions. In human body, the Sun signifies the right eye, the Moon the left eye and Jupiter being the significator of wisdom and also Guru or Master signifies the wisdom eye. Therefore, if in a natal chart, these three viz. Sun, Moon and Jupiter be strong and unafflicted by malefics, the different layers of mind become pure having no trace of evil senses and simultaneously the physical eyes of the native become strong enough together with sufficient sense of wisdom. These results in an optimistic mind of the native having positive outlook towards the life for ever.  

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