Politicians have to deal with public and usually earn public
fame which in Astrology are signified respectively by the Moon and the Sun.
They have also to deal with down-trodden people represented by Saturn. For politicians
in democratic parties, relation of Jupiter with the 10th house
and/or its lord and/or Moon and the Sun are required. For those in socialistic
parties, relation with strong and/or unafflicted Saturn is necessary. For
Hippocratic politicians looking for only self-interest, relation of Rahu is
required. For those believing in armed politics, relation of Mars is essential.
For politicians with an orthodox attitude towards religion, relation of weak
and/or afflicted Saturn is involved. For politicians having extraordinary or
charming vocabulary power, relation of Venus, Moon, Mercury etc. with the 2nd
house and/or its lord is required. These principles are illustrated with the
following cases: -
Case 1:
Pluto 6 ®
Mars 26
Hers 25
Rahu 9
Nept 9 ®
Birth: 25/12/1924
2:45 A.M.
Gwalior (M P)
Ketu 22
Sat 15
Moon 18
Ven 17
20 ®
Case Study: -
He was one of the most prominent politicians in his days. He
was an extraordinary speaker and an outstanding Parliamentarian of India. He
represented the Janasangha party which relies upon Hinduism and was
subsequently converted into Bharatiya Janata Party abbreviated as B.J.P. He
became the Prime Minister of India twice and thereafter retired from active
politics. He is a prominent poet as well and remained bachelor.
Analysis: -
The native is born under Libra rising with the 4th/5th
lord exalted Saturn in the Ascendant aspecting therefrom the 7th
house which is the sign of debilation for Saturn. The 7th lord Mars
is posted in the 6th house and aspected by the 6th lord
as also by Rahu. Venus is posted in the 2nd house combined with Moon,
hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu. These combinations rendered the
native a confirmed bachelor. The 10th lord Moon, the significator
for the public and emotion is posted in the 2nd house in combination
with Venus which made him an outstanding orator and a poet which is also caused
due to the combination of Sun, the significator of brain and genius, Mercury
the significator of expression and literary activity and Jupiter the
significator of philosophy, authorship etc. These combinations also made him a
believer in religion based politics but with a liberal and democratic outlook.
The deposition of the 11th lord Sun in the 3rd house in
combination with 9th/12th lord Mercury and 3rd/6th
lord Jupiter in own house having a 3rd/11th relation with
4th/5th lord Saturn posted in the Ascendant brought him
the royal power of Prime Ministership of India twice since Sun is posted in the
dual sign Saggitarius.
Case 2:
Nept 6
Pluto 5
Jup 1 ®
Moon 26
Ketu 25
Mars 8
Atulya Ghosh
Birth:- 28/8/1904
5:30 P.M. (Hooghly)
Balance Sat Dasa Up
to 8/11/1915
Sat 23 ®
Sun 10
Ven 11
Rahu 11
Merc 12
Hers 19 ®
Case Study: -
The native was an All India figure in politics and was the
Congress President of West Bengal. He had lost
one of his eyes due to tyranny of British police and also had his knee joints
broken. He retired from active politics after 1967.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Aquarius rising with the Ascendant
lord Saturn posted in the 12th house in mutual aspect with 3rd/10th
lord Mars. The deposition of 10th lord Mars in the 6th
house in debilation with the 6th lord Moon being posted in the 2nd
house in opposition to exalted Mercury in the 8th house made him a
prominent orator and a public man. The deposition of 2nd/11th
lord Jupiter in the 3rd house in trinal relation with the 7th
lord Sun, the 4th/9th lord Venus combined with
well-fortified Rahu in Leo, the sign of royal power brought him an esteemed
position as an organizer in his party with a democratic and value-based
outlook. The combination of Sun with Rahu and Venus, the deposition of Ketu in
the Ascendant and that of the Ascedant/12th lord Saturn in the 12th
house in opposition to Mars in the 6th house caused his loss of one
eye and injury in the knees due to the oppression of the British Police
represented by the Mars aspected by Rahu.
Case 3:
Sun 6
Mars 6
Hers 7
Ven 2
Merc 7
Ketu 8
Pluto 9
Benazir Bhutto
Birth:-21/6/1953 20:15
Karachi, Pakistan
Rahu 22
Sat 14®
Nept 14 ®
Moon 14
Case Study: -
During Jupiter Dasa in 1988 she became prime minister and in
Saturn Dasa she was removed from power and was living in exile in U.K. she was
murdered on 27/12/2007 at 5:30 p.m. Raoalpindi.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Saggitarius rising with
Ascendant/4th lord Jupiter posted in the 6th house and
aspected by malefic Rahu from the 2nd house. The Ascendant is also
aspected by Rahu as also by Sun and Mars posted in the secondary maraka house
i.e. the 7th house in Gemini. The 7th lord Mercury is
posted in the 8th house combined with Ketu and aspected by Rahu. The
8th lord Moon is posted in the 11th house in Libra in the
constellation of Mars. The 2nd lord i.e. the primary maraka Saturn
is posted in the 10th house in mutual aspect with its strong enemy
Mars combined with another strong enemy Sun and also aspected by malefic Rahu,
the significator of crime, posted in the 2nd house. Thus, the 7th
house became strong maraka for the native due to the opposition of the Sun signifying
royal power combined with Mars signifying military force making criminal
activities and Herschel signifying uncommon incidents. The deposition of Ketu
in the 8th house brought her death all on a sudden by the secret
agents. She was crowned with the chair of Prime Minister of Pakistan in the
major period of Jupiter, the Ascendant lord posted in the 6th house
signifying power. She was murdered in the major period of Saturn, the primary
maraka being more adverse due to the mutual aspect with Mars combined with Sun
and also by Rahu.
Case 4:
Sun 7
Ketu 3
Moon 25
Merc 7
Ven 8
Dr. Shamaprasad Mukharjee
Birth:- 6 or 7/7/1901
2:09 a.m.(Kolkata)
Mars 12
Rahu 16
Sat 20®
Jup 20®
Case Study: -
He was a member in Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Cabinet as the
Minister for Industry and Supply. Mukharjee founded the Bharatiya Jana Sangh in
1951, after the differences with Pandit Nehru. He died on May 23, 1953 in Kashmir.
The native was born under Taurus rising with the Ascedant/6th
lord Venus posted in the 3rd house in combination with primary
maraka Mercury which is hemmed between malefics. The second house was occupied
by the 4th lord Sun in the constellation of Jupiter, the 8th/11th
lord and aspected by the secondary maraka Mars posted in the inimical sign
Virgo as also by the combination of Saturn and Jupiter posted in the 8th
house. Saturn and Mars are in mutual aspect with each other while Rahu aspects
Mars, Saturn and Moon. Moon is also aspected by Saturn combined with Jupiter. Rahu
is posted in the 6th house while Ketu in the 12th house being
aspected by the 12th lord afflicted Mars and 8th lord
Jupiter combined with malefic Saturn as also by Rahu. The deposition of 3rd
lord Moon in the 10th house i.e. the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn
crowned him with the Ministership of Central Cabinet in the folio of Industry
ruled by Saturn and Supply ruled by Moon. His death in Kashmir
i.e. away from his home town was due to the deposition of Ketu in the 12th
house being strongly afflicted by Mars, Rahu, 8th lord Jupiter
combined with Saturn as also due to the affliction of the 2nd house
and the 7th house as well being hemmed between malefics.
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