The term sixth instinct signifies some extra-natural sensational power that enables a native to foresee some incident yet to take place. For this, the three watery signs viz. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the latter two in particular play important roles. With this, the 6th and the 8th houses and their lords of the natal chart and the corresponding signs viz. Virgo and Scorpio and their respective lords Mercury and Mars are also involved. Together with these, the Sun signifying the soul, the Moon signifying the mind, Mercury signifying the instincts in general and Saturn signifying death, Ketu signifying secrecy and Neptune signifying all mysterious phenomenon are also to be taken into account in respect of deposition and aspect and as usual the Ascendant and its lord should also be taken into account. These factors are illustrated with the following cases: -
Case 1:
Rahu 7
Merc 4
Sun 2
Ven 26
Birth:- 11/05/1982
11:45 A.M. (Barasat)
Balance Ketu Dasa up
to 08/05/1988
Mars 12®
Sat 13®
Jup 15®
Pluto 14®
Hers 17®
Moon 19
Ketu 20
Case Study: -
The native’s mother has a sixth sense in many matters and
she can apprehend many events or facts beforehand both in awaken stage and in
Analysis: -
The native is born under Cancer rising and therefore his
mother should be judged from the 4th house i.e. the sign Libra as
Ascendant which is occupied by the 3rd/6th lord Jupiter
in the constellation of Rahu and exchanging house with the Ascendant/8th
lord i.e. Venus posted in the 6th house i.e. the sign Pisces, dual
watery sign signifying high sensitivity. Venus is exalted in Pisces and
aspected by 4th/5th lord retrograde Saturn and 2nd/7th
lord i.e. strong maraka retrograde Mars from the 12th house which is
the 6th sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo. Mercury, the lord of the 6th
sign Virgo is posted in the 8th house signifying secrecy in the
constellation of sensitive Moon which is posted in the 3rd house
i.e. the 9th sign of the Zodiac Saggitarius in combination with Ketu
signifying secrecy and Neptune signifying mysterious matters and aspected by
malefic Mars and Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac viz. Scorpio is
occupied by Herschel signifying uncommon matters and aspected by Saturn and
Mercury. These combinations confirmed the native’s mother who has a high degree
of sensitiveness both in the awaken stage and in dreams and majority of such prior
apprehended matters are of evil nature due to the affliction of the 6th
house viz. the sign Pisces occupied by exalted Venus by the malefics Saturn and
Case 2:
Rahu 4
Sun 25
Mars 24
Merc 25®
Sat 8®
Pluto 9®
Birth:- 07/03/1947
Balance Ven Dasa
Ven 22
Moon 11
Nept 13®
Jup 17
Ketu 17
Case Study: -
The native of this chart can apprehend many events
beforehand through some physical symptoms and highly sensitive reasons and in
some cases in the dreams.
Analysis: -
The native is born under Capricorn rising with the Ascendant
lord Saturn being posted in the 7th house in the highly sensitive
watery sign Cancer while the 7th lord Moon is posted in the 8th
house signifying secrecy, sleep, dreams etc. in the fiery sign Leo in mutual
aspect with the combination of the 8th lord Sun, the 4th/11th
lord Mars and the 6th/9th lord Mercury which is also the
lord of the 6th sign of the Zodiac Virgo. The 5th house
signifying intelligence is occupied by Herschel signifying uncommon matters and
Rahu in the constellation of the sensitive Moon posted in the 8th
house signifying dreams and sensitivity while the 5th lord Venus is
posted in the Ascendant in the constellation of Moon and aspected by Saturn and
Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio, the fixed watery sign
signifying death, all hidden matters is also highly strengthened by the
deposition of the 3rd/12th lord Jupiter combined with
Ketu signifying all secret matters and making a trinal relation with the
Ascendant lord Saturn and angular relation with Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars and
Rahu combined with Herschel. These combinations indicate the sensitiveness of
the native both physically and mentally apprehending beforehand many events to
take place.
Case 3:
Moon 6
Rahu 2
Birth:- 02/11/1985
3:11 P.M.(Barasat)
Balance Rahu Dasa
up to 01/07/2003
Jup 22
Ven 14
Mars 12
Sun 15 Ketu 15
Pluto 15
Merc 17
Sat 17
Hers 18
Nept 19
Case Study: -
The native is said to be occupied by some evil soul of a
deceased female being off and on when she behaves abnormally but after some
time restores to the normal condition when she can’t remember anything of her
abnormal behaviour due to evil possession.
Analysis: -
The girl is born under Pisces rising with the Ascendant
being aspected by Rahu, Venus, the 3rd/8th lord and Mars,
the 2nd/9th lord. The 6th lord Sun combined
with Ketu and Pluto is posted in the 8th house in the constellation
of evil Rahu, hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu. The 6th
house Leo is aspected by Saturn and Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac
viz. Scorpio is occupied by Mercury, the significator for rationality, Saturn
signifying death and evil souls and Herschel signifying uncommon matters in the
constellation of Mercury, the 4th/7th lord. The Ascendant
lord Jupiter is debilated in the 11th house in the sign Capricorn
ruled by Saturn signifying death, evil powers etc. and in the constellation of
sensitive Moon. This combination confirmed the possession of the native by some
evil powers under the influence of which she behaves in highly abnormal manners.
The affliction of the 7th house by debilated Venus, the significator
of marriage and the 2nd/9th lord Mars forming Bhouma Dosha
explain the disruption in the marital tie leading to divorce.
Case 4:
Mars 27
Rahu 27
Birth:- 26/01/1987
11:55 a.m.(Barasat)
Balance Merc Dasa
up to 10/09/1992
Sun 22
Merc 22
Ketu 13
Pluto 15
Moon 18
Ven 18
Sat 18
Hers 19
Nept 19
Case Study: -
The native has a sixth sense and can foresee many events
before their occurrence both in awaken and sleeping stage.
Analysis: -
The native is born under Aries rising with the Ascendant
lord Mars combined with Rahu being posted in the 12th house in
Pisces, dual watery sign signifying high sensitivity. The 6th house
which is also the 6th sign of the Zodiac is occupied by mysterious
Ketu while the 6th lord Mercury is combined with 5th lord
Sun in Capricorn in the constellation of the sensitive Moon. The 8th
house i.e. the sign Scorpio is occupied by debilated Moon with Venus and
Saturn, all in the constellation of Mercury. These combinations signify the
native’s sensitivity in respect of many matters both in awakens and sleeping
conditions apprehending both happy and evil events to come.