Saturday, 29 December 2012

Astrological factors of sixth instinct

The term sixth instinct signifies some extra-natural sensational power that enables a native to foresee some incident yet to take place. For this, the three watery signs viz. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the latter two in particular play important roles. With this, the 6th and the 8th houses and their lords of the natal chart and the corresponding signs viz. Virgo and Scorpio and their respective lords Mercury and Mars are also involved. Together with these, the Sun signifying the soul, the Moon signifying the mind, Mercury signifying the instincts in general and Saturn signifying death, Ketu signifying secrecy and Neptune signifying all mysterious phenomenon are also to be taken into account in respect of deposition and aspect and as usual the Ascendant and its lord should also be taken into account. These factors are illustrated with the following cases: -    

Case 1:

Rahu 7

Merc 4

Sun 2

Ven 26

Birth:- 11/05/1982
11:45 A.M. (Barasat)
Balance Ketu Dasa up to 08/05/1988

Mars 12®
Sat 13®

Jup 15®
Pluto 14®
Hers 17®

Moon 19
Ketu 20

Case Study: -
The native’s mother has a sixth sense in many matters and she can apprehend many events or facts beforehand both in awaken stage and in dreams. 

Analysis: -
The native is born under Cancer rising and therefore his mother should be judged from the 4th house i.e. the sign Libra as Ascendant which is occupied by the 3rd/6th lord Jupiter in the constellation of Rahu and exchanging house with the Ascendant/8th lord i.e. Venus posted in the 6th house i.e. the sign Pisces, dual watery sign signifying high sensitivity. Venus is exalted in Pisces and aspected by 4th/5th lord retrograde Saturn and 2nd/7th lord i.e. strong maraka retrograde Mars from the 12th house which is the 6th sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo. Mercury, the lord of the 6th sign Virgo is posted in the 8th house signifying secrecy in the constellation of sensitive Moon which is posted in the 3rd house i.e. the 9th sign of the Zodiac Saggitarius in combination with Ketu signifying secrecy and Neptune signifying mysterious matters and aspected by malefic Mars and Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac viz. Scorpio is occupied by Herschel signifying uncommon matters and aspected by Saturn and Mercury. These combinations confirmed the native’s mother who has a high degree of sensitiveness both in the awaken stage and in dreams and majority of such prior apprehended matters are of evil nature due to the affliction of the 6th house viz. the sign Pisces occupied by exalted Venus by the malefics Saturn and Mars.      

Case 2:

Rahu 4
Hers 4

         Sun 25
     Mars 24
  Merc 25®

Sat 8®
Pluto 9®
Birth:- 07/03/1947
3:20 a.m.(I.S.T)(Kolkata)
Balance Ven Dasa 03/01/1958

Ven 22
Moon 11

Nept 13®

Jup 17
Ketu 17

Case Study: -
The native of this chart can apprehend many events beforehand through some physical symptoms and highly sensitive reasons and in some cases in the dreams.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Capricorn rising with the Ascendant lord Saturn being posted in the 7th house in the highly sensitive watery sign Cancer while the 7th lord Moon is posted in the 8th house signifying secrecy, sleep, dreams etc. in the fiery sign Leo in mutual aspect with the combination of the 8th lord Sun, the 4th/11th lord Mars and the 6th/9th lord Mercury which is also the lord of the 6th sign of the Zodiac Virgo. The 5th house signifying intelligence is occupied by Herschel signifying uncommon matters and Rahu in the constellation of the sensitive Moon posted in the 8th house signifying dreams and sensitivity while the 5th lord Venus is posted in the Ascendant in the constellation of Moon and aspected by Saturn and Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio, the fixed watery sign signifying death, all hidden matters is also highly strengthened by the deposition of the 3rd/12th lord Jupiter combined with Ketu signifying all secret matters and making a trinal relation with the Ascendant lord Saturn and angular relation with Moon, Sun, Mercury, Mars and Rahu combined with Herschel. These combinations indicate the sensitiveness of the native both physically and mentally apprehending beforehand many events to take place.

Case 3:

Moon 6

Rahu 2

Birth:- 02/11/1985
3:11 P.M.(Barasat)
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 01/07/2003

Jup 22

Ven 14
Mars 12

Sun 15 Ketu 15
Pluto 15
Merc 17
Sat 17
Hers 18
Nept 19

Case Study: -
The native is said to be occupied by some evil soul of a deceased female being off and on when she behaves abnormally but after some time restores to the normal condition when she can’t remember anything of her abnormal behaviour due to evil possession.   

Analysis: -
The girl is born under Pisces rising with the Ascendant being aspected by Rahu, Venus, the 3rd/8th lord and Mars, the 2nd/9th lord. The 6th lord Sun combined with Ketu and Pluto is posted in the 8th house in the constellation of evil Rahu, hemmed between malefics and aspected by Rahu. The 6th house Leo is aspected by Saturn and Rahu. The 8th sign of the Zodiac viz. Scorpio is occupied by Mercury, the significator for rationality, Saturn signifying death and evil souls and Herschel signifying uncommon matters in the constellation of Mercury, the 4th/7th lord. The Ascendant lord Jupiter is debilated in the 11th house in the sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn signifying death, evil powers etc. and in the constellation of sensitive Moon. This combination confirmed the possession of the native by some evil powers under the influence of which she behaves in highly abnormal manners. The affliction of the 7th house by debilated Venus, the significator of marriage and the 2nd/9th lord Mars forming Bhouma Dosha explain the disruption in the marital tie leading to divorce.

Case 4:

Mars 27
Rahu 27

Jup 25

Birth:- 26/01/1987
11:55 a.m.(Barasat)
Balance Merc Dasa up to 10/09/1992

Sun 22
Merc 22

Ketu 13

Pluto 15
Moon 18
Ven 18
Sat 18
Hers 19
Nept 19

Case Study: -
The native has a sixth sense and can foresee many events before their occurrence both in awaken and sleeping stage.  

Analysis: -
The native is born under Aries rising with the Ascendant lord Mars combined with Rahu being posted in the 12th house in Pisces, dual watery sign signifying high sensitivity. The 6th house which is also the 6th sign of the Zodiac is occupied by mysterious Ketu while the 6th lord Mercury is combined with 5th lord Sun in Capricorn in the constellation of the sensitive Moon. The 8th house i.e. the sign Scorpio is occupied by debilated Moon with Venus and Saturn, all in the constellation of Mercury. These combinations signify the native’s sensitivity in respect of many matters both in awakens and sleeping conditions apprehending both happy and evil events to come. 

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Astrological factors for Scientists

For a person to have a scientific aptitude, the necessary qualities are strong observatory power, sense of rationality and impartial analysis, materialistic view combined with imagination and sixth sense as also a philosophic outlook to go into the depth of the subject under experiment. In the Zodiac the signs signifying these qualities are Gemini and Virgo ruled by Mercury, Leo ruled by Sun, Libra ruled by Venus, Scorpio ruled by Mars, Saggitarius ruled by Jupiter and Capricorn as well as Aquarius ruled by Saturn. The planets concerned are Moon signifying imagination, Mercury signifying intelligence and rationality as also sixth sense together with material outlook, Venus signifying material and scientific outlook, Mars signifying technological and mathematical capability, Jupiter signifying wisdom and Saturn signifying materialistic analytical sense as also philosophical outlook. For scientific research work, the 8th house and its lord of the natal chart as also the sign Scorpio are to be taken into account in addition to the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th houses. A friendly relation between Jupiter and Venus or Jupiter and Mercury makes the native have a scientific outlook in the broader perspective of the universe. A relation of Herschel with any of these houses, signs and/or planets awards the native with some original thinking power against the current thoughts. Relation with Neptune makes the native very sensitive to go into the depth of any mystic or mysterious subjects. These principles are illustrated with the following cases: -   

Case 1:

Jup 4 ®
Hers 3 ®
Mars 1
Sat 3 ®

Ketu 25

Pluto 8 ®
Stephen William Hawking
Birth: - 08/01/1942
15:00 P.M.
Oxford (UK)

Merc 21
Ven 23
Moon 12
Rahu 11

Nept 12 ®

Sun 20

Case Study: -
Stephen William Hawking is a British theoretical physicist. Hawking is the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes, and his popular works in which he discussed his own theories and cosmology in general.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Libra rising with the 3rd/6th lord Jupiter combined with Herschel in the 8th house in Taurus ruled by Venus. The 3rd house is occupied by the Sun signifying originality of thinking aimed at highest spiritual thoughts and aspected by Rahu combined with Moon in trinal relation attributing to the native imaginative power. The 4th house is occupied by 9th/12th lord Mercury and Ascendant/8th lord Venus and aspected by Jupiter from the 8th house and debilated Saturn combined with radical Mars in the 7th house. The 5th house is occupied by Ketu in the sign Aquarius signifying philosophical mysteries. The 4th/5th lord debilated Saturn (although debilation being cancelled due to the association of the 7th lord Mars) is combined with 2nd/7th lord Mars signifying technological and mathematical skills in the 3rd angle i.e. the 7th house making a trine-angle relation. The significator for imaginative power Moon is combined with Rahu in the 11th house in Leo making a trinal relation with Sun and angular relation with Jupiter combined with Herschel attributed the native with strong imaginative power.  The 7th house being strongly afflicted, the native had his marital life disrupted and the affliction being in the sign Aries aspecting therefrom the Ascendant lord Venus in the 4th house caused his physical disability.      

Case 2:


Merc Ven

Albert Einstein
11:30 A.M.
Ulm (Germany)


Moon 18

Case Study: -
Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist, philosopher and author who is widely regarded as one of the most influential and best known scientists and intellectuals of all time. In 1933, they immigrated permanently to the United States. He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics "for his services to Theoretical Physics and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect".

Analysis: -
The native was born under Gemini rising with the Ascendant/4th lord debilated Mercury (debilation being cancelled due to the association with exalted Venus) 5th/12th lord i.e. Yoga karaka exalted Venus, the 3rd lord Sun signifying originality and 8th/9th lord Saturn signifying philosophic and material outlook together being posted in the 10th house in Pisces while its lord Jupiter is posted in the 9th house in Aquarius exchanging sign with Saturn. The 6th house viz. the sign Scorpio is occupied by the Moon in trinal relation with the combination of Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn in Pisces and in angular relation with Jupiter in Aquarius. These combinations made the native the greatest scientist with philosophical outlook. The affliction of the 8th house by Rahu and Mars aspecting therefrom the 4th house, 7th house and the 12th house caused the native being divorced with his first wife but she was happy and assisted in his works by his second wife signified by the 12th lord Venus exalted in the 10th house together with the Ascendant lord Mercury. The deposition of 2nd lord Moon in the 6th house in debilation caused his heart problems although debilation is cancelled due to the 6th lord Mars being exalted in the 8th house, but the association with malefic Rahu aggravated the problem together with kidney troubles.
Case 3:

Jup 5

Rahu 24 

Sat 9
Jagadish Chandra Bose
Birth:- 30/11/1858
4:25 P.M. (LMT)
900 2 E 230 33 N  
Balance Moon Dasa 02/03/0

Mars 22
Ketu 10

Moon 12

Sun 18
       Merc 19
Ven 19

Case Study: -
Jagadish Chandra Bose was an outstanding Indian polymath: a physicist, biologist, botanist, archaeologist, as well as an early writer of science fiction. In 1887, Bose married in a renowned family.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Taurus rising with the Ascendant/6th lord Venus combined with 2nd/5th lord Mercury being posted in the 8th house in the constellation of Ketu signifying the native’s inherent aptitude towards scientific researches. The Ascendant is occupied by the 8th/11th lord Jupiter exchanging sign with the Ascendant lord Venus and aspected by the 4th lord Sun posted in the 7th house in Scorpio thereby further strengthening the scientific and philosophical outlook. The 5th house occupied by Moon and aspected by Jupiter and Saturn made him imaginative with scientific cum philosophic views. These combinations made the native a highly respected scientist of the world and also contributed to his authorship of literary works on scientific and philosophical matters. The relation of the Ascendant, 4th house, 7th house, 10th house and their lords helped him establish the reputed research institute in Kolkata with the help of his wife.   

Case 4:

Pluto 7

Rahu  26
Hers 27 ®

Jup 9
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
(Former President of India)

 Nept 11

                  Sun 14
             Merc 14
              Ketu 13
Mars 16
Ven 15

Moon 18
Asc Sat 20

Case Study: -
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, was the 11th President of India, serving from 2002 to 2007.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Saggitarius rising with the Ascendant/4th lord Jupiter, the significator of wisdom, being posted in the 8th house signifying research work while the 8th lord Moon is posted in the 12th house in Scorpio, the 8th sign of the Zodiac also signifying research work and aspected by exalted Jupiter in the 8th house. The 5th/12th lord Mars, Yoga karaka for the Ascendant is combined with the 6th/11th lord Venus and posted in the 11th house signifying success and is squared by exalted Jupiter. The 9th lord Sun also signifying brain and talent and intellect based education (due to the lordship of the 5th sign of the Zodiac) is combined with the 10th lord exalted Mercury signifying intelligence and analytical power and Ketu signifying secrecy is posted in the 10th house i.e. the 6th sign of the Zodiac Virgo. These combinations made the native an international figure in his research works. The combination in the 10th house having exalted Jupiter in the 11th house therefrom took the native to the highest position of the nation.  

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Astrological combinations for politician Part 4

Case 13:                                           

Asc Moon

Jawaharlal Nehru

November 14, 1889
11:36 PM

SatMarsVen MercSun Jup Ketu
Case Study: -
Jawaharlal Nehru was a political leader of the Indian National Congress, a pivotal figure in the Indian independence movement and the first Prime Minister of Independent India. He was also a key figure in International politics in the post-war period, and was one of the founding figures of the non-alignment. Nehru popularly referred to as Panditji in School, was also a writer, scholar and amateur historian.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Cancer rising with the lord Moon posted in the ascendant itself and hemmed between malefics viz. Saturn and Rahu. This signifies that Shri Nehru was basically a man of imagination, poetic feelings, sympathetic outlook but having weak personality. He was always under mental pressure due to his surroundings and foreign power and had to sacrifice the interest of his motherland under these pressures. The 10th lord Mars being posted in the 3rd house in its inimical sign Virgo and the deposition of the 2nd lord Sun, the significator of royal power, in the 5th house i.e. the 3rd house from Mars brought him the royal power. But the deposition of Rahu in the 10th house from Mars and that of Saturn in the 10th house from Sun brought this royal power to him through the compromise with the foreigners as also with the orthodox religious people. The deposition of 3rd/12th lord Mercury and 4th/11th lord Venus combinedly in the 4th house between malefics and aspected by Saturn and Rahu compelled him to make an agreement under the pressure of foreign power and orthodox religious people for the achievement of royal power. The deposition of 6th/9th lord Jupiter in the 6th house in trinal relation with Saturn posted in the 2nd house awarded him with a philosophical outlook which was reflected in his valuable works. But the opposition of strong Rahu and the aspect of weak Mars on Jupiter were sufficient to obscure his idealism under pressure.     
Case 14:
Sun 7
Sat 5
Pluto 6

Rahu 24
Merc 8 ®
Ven 8
Nept 9
Jyoti Basu
Birth: July 08,1914
11:00 A.M. Calcutta

Jup 23 ® Moon 21
Hers 22 ®
Mars 11
Ketu 11


Case Study: -
The native became acquainted with Rajani Pam Dutta while studying Law in London and became interested in Marxist philosophy. He started his political career in Bengal as a trade union leader. After independence he became the opposition leader in West Bengal State Assembly as the CPI M.L.A. In 1964 when the communist party was divided, he remained on the border line for a certain period followed by joining in CPI (M). He became the Deputy Chief Minister of State Government in 1967 and 1969. In 1977, he became the Chief Minister of West Bengal and continued in the chair for more than two decades and died in Jan, 2010. He was an eminent orator and had his own speaking style. He was also requested to become the Prime Minister of India in a chaotic situation of Indian politics, but was not permitted by his party which he obeyed as a devoted member of CPI (M).      

Analysis: -
The native was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant/10th lord retrograde Mercury combined with 2nd/9th lord Venus and Neptune posted in the 11th house i.e. the house of success and aspected by the 11th lord Moon combined with debilated and retrograde 4th/7th lord Jupiter and Herschel the significator of exceptional traits posted in the 5th house in the cardinal earthy sign Capricorn ruled by Saturn, the significator of communist philosophy and the down trodden people. The 5th/6th lord Saturn is in the 10th house forming a Raj Yoga but the combination of the 12th lord Sun and the significator of destruction Pluto contributed evil effects to this Yoga. This resulted in the acquisition of royal power in a destructive way which was further strengthened by the deposition of Rahu in the Upachaya Place 6th house aspecting therefrom the combination of Sun, Saturn, Pluto in Gemini and also the combination of 3rd/8th lord Mars combined with Ketu in Leo. The deposition of 8th lord Mars in 12th house formed a Veeparita (opposite) Raj Yoga also contributing to the strength of the horoscope. The highest position of Indian Administration i.e. Prime Ministership remained out of his reach due to the affliction of the 12th lord Sun posted in the 10th house by strong malefics Saturn and Rahu. His long life was contributed by the strength of the 3rd/8th lord Mars combined with strong Ketu posted in the 12th house. The same combination formed a Bhouma Dosha which resulted in the demise of his first wife after which he married once again which is reflected in the deposition of the 7th lord Jupiter in the 5th house combined with Moon.
Case 15:

Moon 6
Rahu 4
Hers 5 ®

Sat 8 ®
 Pluto 9®
Sonia Gandhi
Birth: 9/12/1946
21:30 P.M. Turin (Italy)
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 27/08/1960

Nept 13®

Jup 16
Ven 16
Sun 18
Merc 16
Ketu 18
Mars 19

Case Study: -
Sonia Gandhi is an Italian-born Indian politician. She is currently the President of the Indian National Congress Party, Chairperson of the ruling United Progressive Alliance in the Loksabha and the leader of the Congress Parliamentary Party.
Gandhi was named the third most powerful woman in the world by Forbes magazine in the year 2004 and was ranked 6th in 2007. She was also named among the Time’s 100 most influential people in the world for the years 2007 and 2008.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Cancer rising with the Ascendant lord Moon posted in the 12th house, hemmed between Saturn in the Ascendant and Rahu in the 11th house and in opposition to the 5th/10th lord i.e. Yoga karaka Mars in the 6th house in Saggitarius signifying organizing power. These combinations brought her the highest position in the organization of Indian National Congress i.e. outside her motherland by virtue of the death of her husband signified by the 7th lord Saturn in retrogression in the Ascendant. The deposition of the 2nd lord Sun, the significator of royal power and brain together with 3rd/12th lord Mercury signifying intelligence and Ketu signifying secrecy in the 5th house made her successful as a political counselor. The deposition of Mars in the 6th house made her win over her rivals and the combination of 6th/9th lord Jupiter and 4th/11th lord Venus in the 11th house from Mars brought her the success in her career. The aspect of Mars on the 7th/8th lord retrograde Saturn and the deposition of 8th lord Sun, 6th/9th lord Mercury together with Ketu in Scorpio counted from Capricorn, the 7th house from the Ascendant and the aspect of Rahu on the same as also on Capricorn brought the death of her husband Shri Rajiv Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of India by secret enemies.             

Case 16:



              Morarji Desai

February 29, 1896
1:38 PM
Bhadeli (India)



Case Study: -
Morarji Ranchhodji Desai was an Indian independence activist and the Prime Minister of India from 1977-79. He was the first Indian Prime Minister who did not belong to the Indian National Congress. He is the only Indian to receive the highest civilian awards from both India and Pakistan, namely the Bharat Ratna and Nishaan-e-Pakistan. He was described as a strong personality in Indian politics.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Gemini rising with the Ascendant/4th lord Mercury combined with the 5th/12th lord Yoga karaka Venus and 6th/11th lord Mars posted in the 8th house and aspected by Rahu combined with Sun and exalted Jupiter. This resulted in non-co-operation of his party men and other associates in times of crisis which is also the characteristic of the sign Leo where in Moon is posted combined with Ketu in the 3rd house and aspected by the 3rd lord Sun combined with Rahu in the 9th house in Aquarius. The 10th house is aspected by the 7th/10th lord Jupiter exalted in the 2nd house which crowned him with the Prime Ministership of India, but he could not complete his regime of 5 years due to the betrayal of some of his fellow ministers and other party leaders who were backed up by him in their crisis. The 5th house is occupied by exalted 8th/9th lord Saturn and aspected by Rahu which resulted in his strong principles which were further increased due to the aspect of exalted Saturn on exalted Jupiter. The combination of Ascendant lord Mercury with Mars and Venus and aspected by exalted Jupiter also made him a strong personality which was, however, somewhat weakened due to the aspect of Rahu.   

Case 17:
Sun 6
Merc 7®
Mars 4
Pluto 6

Ven 3
Ketu 1

Moon 26

Hers 24 ®

Nept 9
P.V. Narasimha Rao
Birth: 28/06/1921 
Death: 23Dec. 2004

Jup 11
Sat 11

Rahu 14

Case Study: -
Pamulaparthi Venkata Narasimha Rao, who was commonly known as P. V. Narasimha Rao, served as the 10th Prime Minister of the Republic of India. He led one of the most important administrations in India's modern history, overseeing a major economic transformation and several incidents affecting national security. Rao accelerated the dismantling of the Licence Raj. Rao, also called the "Father of Indian Economic Reforms," is best remembered for launching India's free market reforms that rescued the almost bankrupt nation from economic collapse. He was also commonly referred to as the Chanakya of modern India for his ability to steer tough economic and political legislation through the parliament at a time when he headed a minority government.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant/10th lord Mercury combined with 12th lord Sun, the significator of royal power and 3rd/8th lord Mars together with Pluto in the 10th house aspected by Rahu. This brought him to the highest position of Indian Government which he continued for a full term by his diplomatic efficiency. The 12th house i.e. the sign Leo is occupied by 4th/7th lord Jupiter and 5th/6th lord Saturn forming a Raj Yoga, although mixed with some evils, being backed up by outside sources. The deposition of Rahu in the 2nd house and its aspect on the 2nd/9th lord Venus combined with Ketu in the 8th house caused some defamation relating to a financial dispute in connection with a share market broker. The combination of Jupiter and Saturn in the 5th sign of the Zodiac and that of Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto brought him esteemed reputation for his scholastic achievements.   

Case 18:

Hers 5 ®

Rahu 2
Ven 27

Sun 24
Merc 23 ®
Sat 9 ®
Pluto 9 ®
Ms. Jayalalitha
Birth: - 24/02/1948
2.34 P.M. Chennai

Mars 10 ®
Moon 10 ®

Nept 13 ®

Ketu 16

Jup 19

Case Study: -
Jayalalithaa Jayaram is a former Chief Minister and current leader of the opposition of the Government of Tamil Nadu, India. She is the incumbent general secretary of All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), a Dravidian party in the state. She is popularly called Amma (mother), Puratchi Thalaivi (Revolutionary Leader) by her followers. She was a popular film star in Tamil cinema and Telugu cinema before her entry into politics.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Gemini rising with the Ascendant/4th lord Mercury combined with the 3rd lord Sun signifying royal power posted in the 9th house in mutual aspect with 2nd lord Moon and 6th/11th lord Mars posted in the 3rd house which is a very good combination for gaining political power. The 7th house is occupied by its lord powerful Jupiter and the 10th house by 5th/12th lord i.e. Yoga karaka Venus in exaltation. Jupiter aspects the Ascendant and Venus aspects the 4th house. The 4th house is also aspected by Saturn while the 7th and the 10th houses by Rahu. Thus, the four angles are influenced by benefics as well as malefics. This resulted in discontinuity in the graph of her political career. The 10th house being strongly influenced by the 5th/12th lord exalted Venus squared by the 10th lord Jupiter and relation between Sun, Mercury, Mars and Moon brought her immense reputation in film industry as an actress.     
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