Monday 25 March 2013

Fate of the Earth

No information has yet been collected regarding the action of comets, asteroids etc. NASA scientists are reported to have left the fate of the earth to GOD. However, I have checked the planetary positions from first week of April to the middle of May in the Zodiac. The destructive action of the anticipated colliding asteroids on the earth is reported to take place some times from the first week of April and the prime point of destructive action is reported to be the area about New York. From the second week of April, seven planets including the two nodal points will come into a straight line in the Zodiac with mutual aspect of the two on the one side and the remaining five on the other. These are very likely to bring about disasters in every individual life some way or other and natural terrestrial phenomena. USA is said to be included in the zone covered by the sign Sagittarius whereas India is located in the area covered by the sing Capricorn. Further, the ascendent of the independent India is Taurus whereas Pakistan is Gemini. At present Sagittarius is occupied by the destructive planet Pluto in mutual help with the other destructive planet viz. Saturn and Rahu on the one hand and Mars and Ketu on the other hand. Pluto in Sagittarius is further aspected by malefic Saturn the lord of Sagittarius viz. Jupiter is week and posted in the sixth sign Taurus counted from Sagittarius.  These combinations may bring about the disasters anticipated by the scientists. But for India, the sign Capricorn is aspected by benefic Jupiter from Taurus. Further, of the four angles in the Zodiac viz. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn the first three are afflicted by  these malefics while the fourth i.e. Capricorn is free from these malefic influences and aspected by the benefic Jupiter while the first three are devoid of these benefic influences. However, the first sign Aries occupied by the five planets Sun, Venus, Mars, Ketu and Moon in the second week of April will be encircled by the two natural benefics viz. Mercury and Jupiter on either side of Aries but Mercury being debilated and Jupiter in the inimical sign Taurus and week and are therefore unable to impart their full benefic influence. Therefore, the countries lying within the areas covered by the signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius are likely to face the destructive influence of the on-colliding asteroid whereas the countries falling within the areas covered by Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn may somehow rather escape the worst effects. This is what my limited knowledge in Astrology foresees about this.

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