factors of Accident Cases
The term “Accident” indicates some incidents that happen all
on a sudden and without any prior notice i.e. “Suddenness” is the sole factor
for an incident to be designated as accident. In Astrology, the planets Mars and
Ketu signify suddenness of any incident. In a natal chart, the 8th
house signifies accidental case as also the 6th and the 12th
houses. In the Zodiac, the respective signs are Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces.
Therefore, a relation of the Ascendant and/or its lord with these houses or
signs together with Mars and/or Ketu signifies accident for a native. If the
relation happens in an earthy sign such as Taurus, Virgo and/or Capricorn, the
accident is likely to happen on the land. If the sign be a fiery one, the accident
will involve fire hazards or likewise. A further relation with Rahu in such a
case is likely to cause an electrical accident. If the relation happens in an
airy sign such as Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, the accident will take place in
the air such as in aero-plane accident. This will be further intensified if the
sign Saggitarius be involved as it signifies spatial events while for a watery
sign being the site of accident, the hazard will take place in river or sea,
canals or ponds according as the sign is Pisces, Cancer and/or Scorpio. If Rahu
be linked with this, the accident may involve anti-social activities while with
Saturn as the linked planet the duration of accident may linger. If the 12th
house and/or its lord be involved, the accident will take place in a distant
place outside the house. If the 4th house be involved it will take
place at home or nearby. If 3rd or the 5th house be
related, the accident is likely to involve the brothers, sisters, neighbours or
issues. Relation with 4th or the 10th house is likely to
cause accident for parents. Relation with 7th house may involve
spouse, partners, business place etc. Relation with 9th house may
result in accidents during pilgrimage. Relation with Mars may cause accidents
in connection with landed property, power capture etc. These principles are illustrated in the
following cases of accident: -
Case 1:
Moon 6
Mars 26
Rahu 27
Jup 25
Birth: - 13/1/1987
10:13 P.M.
Place:-Durgapur (W.B)
Asc 12
Ketu 13
Pluto 15
Ven 17
Sat 18
Sun 21
Merc 21
Case Study: -
The girl died in a car accident on 26/12/2006 near Madurai together with her
mother, but her father was saved although injured.
Analysis: -
The girl was born under Virgo rising, an earthy sign ruled by
Mercury, occupied by Ketu and aspected by Rahu and Mars posted in the 7th
house i.e. secondary maraka place. Mars is the 3rd/8th
lord for the native aspecting from the 7th house the primary maraka
place i.e. the 2nd house therefrom. The Ascendant/10th lord
Mercury signifying mother for a girl is posted in the 4th house
combined with Sun, the significator of father and the 12th lord and
aspected by Moon from the 10th house. The combination of Mars and
Rahu has taken place in the dual watery sign Pisces signifying the rivers etc. in
the 7th house signifying the tours although not very distant one.
This resulted in a car accident during a tour to a river side place whereby the
girl herself and her mother (10th lord), both signified by Mercury
being put to death.
Case 2:
Merc 5
Sun 5
Ven 3
Sat 1
Ketu 1
Moon 26
Jup 26
Birth :- 11/6/1939
1:30 A.M.
8 N 43 77 E 46
Balance Sat Dasa
Mars 22
Rahu 15
Case Study: -
The native’s wife and only son were killed on 23/6/1985 in
the Kanishka air disaster in the Atlantic Ocean
in Venus Dasa.
Analysis: -
The Ascendant of the native is Pisces and therefore his wife
should be judged from the 7th house of the chart i.e. the sign
Virgo. Therefore, Rahu for his wife is posted in the primary maraka place i.e.
2nd house and mutually aspected with debilated Saturn combined with
Ketu in the 8th house in Aries. Debilated Saturn combined with Ketu
is in mutual aspect with exalted Mars in the 5th house although debilation
of Saturn is cancelled. The Ascendant lord for the wife i.e. Mercury is posted
in Gemini in the constellation of 8th lord Mars and aspected by
Saturn combined with Ketu from the 8th house and also by Rahu from
the primary maraka place i.e. second house. The Ascendant is aspected by Rahu
as also by Jupiter, both maraka and badhaka for the Virgo Ascendant and
combined with Moon. For the native’s wife, the 11th house i.e. the
sign Cancer and its lord Moon signify the son. Thus, the Ascendant and its
lord, the 5th house and its lord, the 11th house and its
lord being all afflicted, the native’s wife and their only son were killed in
air accident. Here also, the role of Mars and Ketu are related with the 8th
house for the native’s wife. For the son of the native, the Ascendant will be
Cancer and therefore, relation of Mars in the secondary maraka house with 8th
lord Saturn combined with Ketu in mutual aspect put the boy to death in the
Case 3:
Ketu 7
Gulika 5
Sat 4
Sun 24
Merc 25
Birth :- 20/2/1973
13:40 P.M.
13 N 4 80 E 14
Balance Moon Dasa 6/10/5
Jup 21
Ven 23
Moon 14
Mars 19
Rahu 20
Case Study: -
The native is a girl who lost her husband in a traffic car accident
at the age of 30 years during Jup - Jup Dasa.
Analysis: -
The girl is born under Gemini rising and therefore her
husband should be judged from Saggitarius as Ascendant. Therefore, his
Ascendant is occupied by Rahu and Mars forming a fatal accident probability.
The Ascendant lord Jupiter is debilated in the primary maraka house Capricorn
in combination with 6th/11th lord Venus and hemmed
between malefics. The 8th house is aspected by Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn and Mars combined with debilated Rahu while the 8th lord Moon
is posted in the 10th house in the constellation of Mars and
aspected by debilated Jupiter. The 12th house which is eventually
the sign Scorpio is aspected by Saturn and Rahu and therefore indicates
accident probability outside home. Thus, the factors responsible for accident
being all present, the girl lost her husband at the start of Jupiter Dasa which
is itself maraka for the husband.
Case 4:
Rahu 2
Sat 25
Jup 8
Gulika 9
Birth: - 12/12/1966 6:13 A.M.
10 N 55 72 E 54
Balance Merc Dasa
Mars 13
Ketu 15
Sun 18
Moon 18
Merc 17
Ven 19
Case Study: -
The native had an accident in Ven-Rahu Dasa in August 99. He
was hospitalized and recovered and was subsequently well placed in life.
Analysis: -
In this case, the Ascendant is Scorpio occupied by Sun, Moon
and 8th lord Mercury. The combination is aspected by Saturn and
Jupiter both of which are malefics for the Ascendant, Jupiter being the primary
maraka. The 6th house is occupied by malefic Rahu and aspected by
the Ascendant/6th lord Mars posted in the 11th house. The
12th house is occupied by Ketu, hemmed between malefics and aspected
by Rahu. The 8th house is aspected by 7th/12th
lord Venus while the 8th lord Mercury is posted in the inimical sign
Scorpio in the Ascendant and aspected by Saturn as mentioned before. Thus, the
factors signifying accidents being all operative, the native had the accident
in the maraka Dasa Venus-Rahu but due to the good grace of strong natural
benefic exalted Jupiter posted in the 9th house, the native
subsequently became established in life.
Case 5:
Rahu 26
Jup 23
Birth:- 7/11/1950
01:41 a.m.
250 58’
N 940 49’ E
Sat 12
Moon 12
Ketu 12
Sun 16
Ven 15
Merc 16
Mars 19
Case Study: -
The case relates to a lady who was married within 24 years
of age to an Air-Pilot who died within five years in an air accident.
Analysis: -
The lady is born under Leo rising and therefore her husband
should be judged from Aquarius as Ascendant. The husband’s Ascendant is
therefore occupied by 2nd/11th lord i.e. primary maraka
Jupiter in the airy sign Aquarius in the constellation of Mars and aspected by
Rahu posted in the primary maraka 2nd house. The Ascendant/12th
lord Saturn is posted in the 8th house combined with 6th
lord Moon and Ketu and aspected by Rahu. The 6th house is aspected by
Rahu and Mars. The three airy signs viz. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are all
afflicted by malefics either by the deposition or by the aspect while the sign
Saggitarius signifying the space is occupied by malefic Mars. Thus, all the
factors for accident being present along with the airy signs and the sign
Scorpio being operative, the husband of the lady died in air accident.
Case 6:
Jup ® 6
Rahu 4
Sat 24®
29’ N 790 21’ E
Sun 15
Mars 18
Merc 17
Ketu 17
Ven 19
Case Study: -
The case relates to a lady who became entangled in love
affairs with a youth of different community, but the marriage could not happen
due to the objections of the girl’s parents. Later she was married to another
boy who died after one and half years in a fiery accident.
Analysis: -
The lady is born under Taurus rising and therefore her
husband is to be judged from the 7th house which is the sign
Scorpio. Scorpio is occupied by 8th lord therefrom i.e. Mercury and
the significators for accident viz. Mars and Ketu. The 8th house is
aspected by Mars, the 7th/12th lord Venus and occupied by
primary maraka Jupiter in the inimical sign Gemini in the constellation of
Rahu. 6th house is aspected by Saturn and Rahu while the 12th
house is occupied by debilated Sun and aspected by Jupiter from the 8th
house. Thus, the factors signifying accident, the girl’s husband died in the
Case 7:
Ketu 6
Jup 7
Birth:- 10/09/1954
2:00 a.m. (Howrah)
Sun 11
Merc 12
Sat 15
Mars 19
Rahu 20
Case Study: -
The native had to face many accident probabilities.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Cancer rising with the Ascendant
lord Moon posted in the 7th house in mutual aspect with strong
benefic and 6th/9th lord exalted Jupiter posted in the
Ascendant. The 6th house is occupied by malefics Mars and debilated
Rahu and aspected by exalted Saturn combined with Venus in the 4th
house. The 12th house is occupied by debilated Ketu and aspected by
Mars and debilated Rahu. The 8th house is aspected by 2nd
lord Sun posted in the 2nd house which itself is aspected by
debilated Rahu combined with Mars. The Ascendant itself is also aspected by malefic
Mars combined with debilated Rahu as also by exalted Saturn combined with
Badhaka Venus. These combinations resulted in many accidents involving fire,
electrical hazards but due to the good grace of exalted Jupiter posted in the
Ascendant and aspecting its lord, the native was saved in every case with some
small injuries.
Case 8:
Birth: - 09/07/1963
07:20 PM
4’19” N 80’26” E
® 23 Gulika 22
Ketu 21
Analysis: -
The native was born under Capricorn rising with the
Ascendant being occupied by its lord retrograde Saturn in the constellation of
Mars, the 7th lord Moon in the constellation of Mars and Mandi in the
constellation of Moon. The 6th house is occupied by a combination of
the 8th lord Sun, 6th/9th lord Mercury, 5th/10th
lord Venus and exalted Rahu. The 8th house is occupied by strong
Mars. The 12th house is occupied by exalted Ketu and aspected by the
combination of four planets in the 6th house. Thus, all the three
evil houses being afflicted by malefics without any benefic influence of
Jupiter, the native had to face a fiery accident at home, but due to the
Ascendant being strongly influenced by the deposition of its lord, the native
was saved in life.
Case 9:
Mars 3
Ketu 27
Moon 22
Ven 10
Sun 12
Merc 12
Rahu 14
Jup 15
Sat 18
Case Study: -
The native was an actress who died in a fiery accident.
Analysis: -
Here the Ascendant is fiery sign Leo occupied by 3rd/10th
lord Venus, which is malefic for the Ascendant, in the constellation of Ketu
posted in the 8th house and aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The 6th
house is occupied by 12th lord Moon and aspected by Saturn and Rahu.
The 8th house is occupied by malefic Ketu and aspected by the
Ascendant lord Sun combined with primary maraka Mercury and Rahu. The 12th
house is aspected by the lord Moon. The 6th/7th lord
Saturn is posted in the inimical sign Scorpio and aspected by the lord, a
strong enemy, Mars. Thus, all the factors responsible for fiery accident being
operative, the native had but to die in the same.
Case 10:
Jup 26 ®
Rahu 24
Birth:- 30/11/1951
00:10 a.m.(Kolkata)
Ketu 11
Mars 12
Ven 14
Sun 17
Moon 18
Merc 19
Case Study: -
The native was a patient of Epilepsy and died in a car
Analysis: -
The native was born under Leo rising with the Ascendant
being occupied by malefic Ketu and aspected by strong Rahu. The 2nd
house is occupied by 6th/7th lord Saturn combined with 4th/9th
lord Mars and 3rd/10th lord debilated Venus. The
Ascendant lord Sun and the 12th lord Moon are combinedly posted in
the 4th house and aspected by Saturn and 8th lord
Jupiter. The 2nd lord Mercury is posted in the 5th house
and aspected by Mars. The 8th house is occupied by its lord Jupiter
but aspected by Saturn, Mars and Venus. The 6th house is aspected by
Rahu while the 12th house is aspected by Jupiter. Thus, the 2nd
house i.e. the primary maraka place being strongly afflicted by Saturn, Mars
and Venus in the earthy sign Virgo, Mars and Venus signifying cars, the native
died in the car accident at Kolkata.
Case 11:
Rahu 4
Hers 5 ®
Sat 8 ®
Pluto 9 ®
Birth:- 14/12/1946
09:27 A.M. Mumbai
Death: - 23/06/1980
Balance Ketu Dasa
Moon 10
Nept 13
Ven 16
Jup 16
Sun 18
Merc 17
Ketu 18
Mars 19
Case Study: -
The native died in an air accident on 23/06/1980.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Capricorn rising with the
Ascendant being aspected by strong Rahu combined with Herschel from the 5th
house and Ascendant/2nd lord i.e. primary maraka Saturn posted in
the secondary maraka place i.e. 7th house combined with destructive
planet Pluto, both being retrograde. The most important significator for air
accident is the affliction of the sign Saggitarius signifying space and being
fiery in nature. In this case, the same is afflicted by the deposition of the 4th/11th
lord Mars, itself being fiery in nature in the 12th house from the
Ascendant. The Ascendant/2nd lord is aspected by this Mars while the
8th lord Sun and the 6th/9th lord Mercury
combined with Ketu are posted in the Badhaka place i.e. 11th house
in the sign Scorpio owned by Mars and aspected by strong Rahu combined with
Herschel from the 5th house. The 8th house itself is
occupied by the secondary maraka i.e. 7th lord Moon in the
constellation of Ketu signifying suddenness in the fiery sign Leo. Of the three
airy signs, Gemini, the 6th house from the Ascendant is hemmed
between malefics, Libra ruled by Venus is occupied by the lord combined with
its strong enemy Jupiter, the 3rd/12th lord i.e. malefic
for the Ascendant while Aquarius is aspected by Moon, the enemy for its lord.
Thus, all the three airy sign being somehow afflicted by malefics and the 6th,
8th and 12th houses also being same, the 12th
house in particular as explained in details above, the native became a prey to
the air accident leading to death.
Case 12:
Sun 6
Merc 6
Jup 5
Ven 3
Mars 2
Ketu 27
Sat 9
Birth:- 30/06/1977
2:30 p.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Ketu Dasa
up to 15/05/1982
Rahu 14
Pluto 13
Hers 15®
Nept 18®
Moon 19
Case Study: -
The native was put to death in a mysterious way on 21st
September, 2007 a.m. outside his house at a fairly long distance.
Analysis: -
The native was born under Libra rising with the Ascendant/8th
lord Venus being posted in the 7th house i.e. the cardinal sign
Aries ruled by Mars in combination with the same, the two being respectively in
the constellations of the Sun signifying aristocracy and royal power and in the
constellation of Venus signifying matrimonial affairs and the Ascendant lord
itself. The 12th house is occupied by malefic Rahu in the constellation
of Mars and aspected by the 5th/6th lord Saturn posted in
the 11th house in the constellation of the 12th lord
Mercury. The 8th house is occupied by the 3rd/6th
lord Jupiter, a strong malefic for the Ascendant in the constellation of the 7th
lord Mars. The 8th sign of the Zodiac i.e. Scorpio is occupied by Neptune, both signifying mystery and secrecy. These
combinations indicate that the native should have died outside his home and at
a place having regular movements of some vehicles.