Friday, 30 November 2012

Illicit contacts

Astrological factors for illicit contacts
In a natal chart, the 5th house signifies love affairs, romance etc., the 7th house signifies physical relations and the 8th house signifies all sorts of secret affairs. In the Zodiac, these are signified by the corresponding signs viz. Leo, Libra and Scorpio ruled by the Sun, Venus and Mars respectively. The Ascendant signifying the native, the 6th house signifying the sensual matters and the 12th house signifying pleasures relating to bed are also to be taken into account. Along with these the concerned planets viz. the Ascendant lord, Mars being the lord of the 1st house of the Zodiac Aries, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, Rahu signifying all sorts of unsocial and passionate activities, Ketu signifying secrecy are also to be taken into account. The 9th house signifying conscience and religious concepts as also its lord together with the corresponding sign of the Zodiac viz. Saggitarius and its lord Jupiter should be weak or afflicted by malefics in such cases for indulging the native in such illicit relations. Relation with Saturn in such a case signifies contacts with aged or low-classed women or widows. Relation with Moon signifies frequently changing habit of partners in such contacts. Relation with Ketu, Herschel or Neptune signifies some uncommon or exceptional affairs. Relation with Sun signifies defamation or loss of vitality of health. Relation with Rahu in such case may signify the attack of venereal disease. These principles are illustrated in the following cases: -  

Sat 3

Rahu 24

Birth: - 20/12/1970
12:10 A.M. Kolkata
Balance Ven Dasa up to 04/03/1977


Ven 15 Mars 15
Jup 15

Sun 17

Moon 20
Merc 20

Case 1:

Case Study: -
This chart relates to a house wife who has some illicit contacts.

Analysis: -
The lady was born under Leo rising with the Ascendant lord Sun being posted in the 4th house in the sign Scorpio and in the constellation ruled by the 6th/7th lord Saturn debilated in the 9th house. The 5th house is occupied by the 12th lord Moon and the 2nd/11th lord Mercury in the constellation ruled by Venus. The 5th/8th lord Jupiter combined with the 3rd/10th lord Venus and 4th/9th lord Mars is posted in the 3rd house in Libra, the 7th sign of the Zodiac and in the constellation ruled by Rahu posted in the 7th house. These combinations are aspected by debilated Saturn and powerful Rahu. These combinations combinedly resulted in flickering mind in respect of romance and also illegal matrimonial relations with a number of persons (due to the deposition of 7th lord Saturn in cardinal sign Aries and also the combination of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in another cardinal sign Libra and the deposition of Rahu, the significator of all illegal and illicit affairs in the 7th house). The deposition of Ketu in the Ascendant and of the Ascendant lord Sun in the 4th house i.e. the sign Scorpio signifying secrecy being the 8th sign of the Zodiac resulted in large number of secret matters of the native relating to marital contact. The deposition of Saturn in the 9th house in mutual aspect with the combination of Mars, Venus and Jupiter made the native totally void of conscience in respect of such affairs. Venus being the 10th lord of the natal chart and posted in the 7th sign of the Zodiac Libra in the constellation ruled by Rahu deposited in the 7th house resulted in monitory transaction relating to romantic affairs.   

Case 2:
Sun 6
Merc 7
Jup 7

Ketu 26

Moon 24

Ven 9
Birth:- 25/06/1978
09:31 P.M. (Kolkata)
Balance Rahu Dasa up to 20/05/1982

Mars 10
Sat 10

       Rahu 12
Pluto 13

Hers 15

Neptune 18

Case Study: -
The native developed no conjugal relation with her husband. She siphoned 26 laces rupees from the account of her husband and filed a case against her husband and in-laws under section 498 of I.P.C and arranged to put them in custody for a couple of days. At present she has filed a divorce suit against her husband on the plea of physical and mental torture.    

Analysis: -
The girl was born under Aquarius rising with the 6th lord Moon posted in the Ascendant in the constellation of Rahu posted in the 8th house while the Ascendant is aspected by Saturn combined with Mars in the 7th house and also by Jupiter combined with Sun and Mercury. The seventh house is occupied by the combination of Saturn and Mars in the constellation ruled by Ketu signifying secrecy and posted in the 2nd house. The 5th house is occupied by the 7th lord Sun combined with the 5th/8th lord Mercury and the 2nd/11th lord Jupiter in the dual sign Gemini, Sun being in the constellation ruled by Rahu. The 6th house is occupied by 4th/9th lord Venus in the sign Cancer in the constellation ruled by Mercury. The 7th house is aspected by the 6th lord Moon from the Ascendant and also by Rahu posted in the 8th house. These combinations made the girl involve in a number of romantic affairs and had many illicit contacts in secrecy bringing her lots of money therefrom. This also resulted in divorce in the long run.  

Case 3:

Moon 5

Jup 2

          Sun 7    Merc 9
          Ven 9   Ketu 9
Birth:- 19/07/1952
11:23 A.M.
220 22’  N  770 8’  E 

Rahu 23

Sat 13

Mars 15

Case Study: -
The chart relates to a lady who became entangled in an illicit affair with another person and as a consequence her husband committed suicide. 

Analysis: -
The lady was born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant being occupied by 5th/6th lord Saturn in the constellation of Moon, the significator of mind and aspected by Rahu from the 5th house i.e. the sign Capricorn in the constellation of the 8th lord Mars. The 5th house is aspected by 8th lord Mars posted in the 2nd house in the constellation of strong enemy Rahu and also by the combination of 12th lord Sun, Ascendant/10th lord Mercury, 2nd/9th lord Venus together with Ketu posted in the 11th house, the combination, in turn being aspected by Rahu. The 12th house is hemmed between malefics and aspected by the 7th lord Jupiter i.e. the secondary maraka posted in the 8th house signifying secrecy. These combinations confirmed that the lady had a number of illicit relations which is further intensified due to the cardinal nature of the 5th, 8th, 11th and 2nd house and the deposition as well as aspects thereon. The lady’s husband should be judged from the 7th house of the lady’s natal chart. Therefore, her husband’s Ascendant is to be considered as Pisces which is aspected by the 11th/12th lord Saturn posted in the 7th house. The Ascendant lord Jupiter is posted in the primary maraka place i.e. the 2nd house in the constellation of 8th lord Venus, the significator of wife in mutual aspect with the 2nd/9th lord Mars posted in the 8th house in the constellation of the strong malefic Rahu which is aspected by Mars as also mutually with the combination of 6th lord Sun, the 4th/7th lord Mercury, the 3rd/8th lord Venus and Ketu. The 3rd house i.e. the sign Taurus is aspected by Mars and Rahu while the sign Scorpio is aspected by Saturn. These combinations indicate that the lady’s husband himself invited his death due to the reasons of his wife.   
Case 4:

Hers 3 ®
Jup 4 ®

Sat 3 ®
Mars 1

Moon 24
Ketu 25
Pluto 8 ®
Birth: - 19/01/1942
17:00 P.M. Kolkata
Sun 21 Merc 22
Ven 23 ®
Rahu 11

Nept 12 ®

Case Study: -
The chart relates to a prostitute.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Cancer rising with the Ascendant lord Moon combined with Ketu, the significator of secrecy and unsocial activities, in the 8th house i.e. the sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn in the constellation of Rahu and also aspected by Rahu which indicates relation of the native in secret affairs related with unsocial persons. The 7th house is occupied by 2nd lord Sun combined with 3rd/12th lord Mercury, the significator of business, and 4th/11th lord Venus, the significator of sex matters which indicates the native’s involvement in business contracts in respect of sex affairs. The 10th house is occupied by the 7th/8th lord debilated Saturn (debilation, however, being cancelled due to the association with the 10th lord Mars) and Mars which indicates the native’s involvement in anti-social works with low-classed and evil natured people. The combination in the 7th house being aspected by Saturn combined with Mars and also by 6th/9th lord weak Jupiter combined with Herschel further degrades the activities signified by the 7th house. The 8th house being occupied by the Ascendant lord Moon combined with Ketu and aspected by Rahu and the association of 7th/8th lord Saturn with strong enemy Mars and aspected by Rahu signifies the native’s mysterious death.       

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Medical Practitioner

Astrological factors for medical practitioner
In a natal chart, the 6th house signifies diseases which in the Zodiac is the sign Virgo ruled by Mercury. Moon signifies the nursing job. Therefore a relation among the 10th house and/or its lord with the 6th house and/or its lord together with Moon and/or the corresponding signs of the Zodiac viz. Virgo, Cancer and Capricorn and/or their lords viz. Mercury, Moon and Saturn makes a native a medical practitioner. Relation with Sun causes orthopedic practice as also skin specialist, with Mercury that with medicine, with Mars makes a surgeon, with Venus causes a gynecologist, with Saturn a psychiatrist etc. These principles are illustrated with the following cases: - 

Case 1:

Sat 7
Hers 4
Rahu 5
              Ven 3

Sun 1
Merc 26

Mars 8
Pluto 8
Birth: - 24/04/1946
5:30 P.M. Khulna
Balance Sun Dasa up to 0/8/0

Moon 21

Jup 14 ®
Nept 13®

Ketu 18

Case Study: -
The native is a homeopathic doctor of reputation.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Virgo rising with the Ascendant/10th lord Mercury, the significator of medicine, being posted in the 7th house signifying environment in the constellation of 5th/6th lord Saturn and aspected by the 4th/7th lord Jupiter posted in the Ascendant in combination with Neptune. Jupiter and Mercury having exchanged their houses, Mercury’s debilation is cancelled. Mercury is also aspected by 6th lord Saturn posted in the 10th house in the constellation of Jupiter. The 6th sign of the Zodiac is the Ascendant occupied by Jupiter and Neptune and aspected by exalted Rahu in the 9th house. Therefore, the combinations for a doctor being all present, the native became a homeopathic doctor with a fine sense of selection of medicine signified by Mercury.
Case 2:

Ketu 6

Moon 25

Jup 8
Birth: - 07/11/1954
05:00 A.M. Kolkata
Mars 22

Sun 16 Merc 14 ®
Sat 15 Asc

Ven 17 ®
Rahu 20

Case Study: -
The native is an orthopedic doctor.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Libra rising with the Ascendant being occupied by the 11th lord debilated Sun in the constellation of the 6th lord Jupiter combined with 9th/12th lord Mercury in the constellation of Mars and 4th/5th lord exalted Saturn in the constellation of Rahu. The association of exalted Saturn with debilated Sun caused the cancellation of debilation of the latter. The 10th lord Moon is posted in the 6th house in the constellation of the 6th lord Jupiter exchanging house with the latter exalted in the 10th house and aspecting therefrom the 10th lord Moon in the 6th house. These combinations resulted in the native’s being a doctor and the deposition of Sun, the significator of bones in the constellation of 6th lord Jupiter made him an orthopedic surgeon which is also the result of the mutual aspect between the 6th lord exalted Jupiter in the 10th house and the 2nd/7th lord exalted Mars signifying weapons posted in the 4th house.
Case 3:

Sat 27
Rahu 26

Birth: - 16/12/1968
4:12 A.M. Kolkata
Balance Rahu Dasa 17/01/08

Ven 22

 Jup 13 
Pluto 12
Ketu 13
Hers 13
Moon 15
Nept 17
Sun 19
Merc 19

Case Study: -
The native is a doctor of medicine.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Scorpio rising with the Ascendant/6th lord Mars being posted in the 11th house combined with 2nd/7th lord Jupiter, Ketu, Pluto and Herschel having a mutual aspect with 3rd/4th lord Saturn combined with Rahu posted in the 5th house. The 10th lord Sun combined with 8th/11th lord Mercury, the significator of medicine is posted in the 2nd house in the constellation of Ketu and aspected by Ascendant/6th lord Mars combined with Jupiter, Ketu, Herschel and Pluto posted in the 11th house. This combination is also aspected by Saturn combined with Rahu posted in the 5th house signifying advisory performance. The 6th house is aspected by its lord Mars and also by the 9th lord Moon, the significator of nursing. Thus, the combinations for a doctor being all present in this chart, the native became a medical practitioner.

Case 4:

Moon 7
Hers 7

Jup 03

Merc 9 ®
Ketu 9
Pluto 9
Birth:- 17/08/1952
10:10 A.M Howrah
Balance Jup Dasa 11/07/8

Rahu 23
Sun 10
Ven 11

Sat 13
Nept 14

Mars 16

Case Study: -
The native is a renowned orthopedic surgeon. 

The native is born under Libra rising with the Ascendant being aspected by 6th lord Jupiter posted in the 7th house in the constellation of 11th lord Sun, the significator of bones. The Ascendant/8th lord Venus combined with the 11th lord Sun is posted in the 11th house and aspected by the 6th lord Jupiter from the 7th house and hemmed between malefics. The Ascendant itself is hemmed between malefics causing a strain on the native and his medical practice due to some private affairs. The 10th lord Moon, the significator of nursing, combined with Herschel signifying some originality is posted in the 9th house in the constellation of the 6th lord Jupiter and aspected by the 2nd/7th lord Mars posted in the 2nd house in own sign in the constellation of the 6th lord Jupiter. The 6th house is aspected by Saturn, the significator of service and the ruler of the 10th/11th sign of the Zodiac from the 12th house in the constellation of the 10th lord Moon. These combinations made the native an orthopedic surgeon running a nursing home of his own.

Case 5:
Sun 7
Mars 6
Hers  6

Jup 27

Rahu 24

Merc 9
Pluto 9
Birth: - 14/07/1951
11:15 A.M. Kolkata
Balance Jup Dasa up to 30/09/1962

Ven 10
Ketu 11

Sat 12 
Nept 14
Moon 16

Case Study: -
The lady is a Cancer specialist.

Analysis: -
The Ascendant is Virgo being occupied by the 5th/6th lord Saturn in the constellation of the 12th lord Sun and combined with Neptune in the constellation of Mars and mutually aspected with 4th/7th lord Jupiter posted in the 7th house. The combination in the Ascendant is also mutually aspected with 3rd/8th lord Mars posted in the 10th house and combined with 12th lord Sun signifying skin and also Herschel. Mars is posted in the constellation of Jupiter. The combination in the 10th house is also aspected by Rahu from the 6th house. Thus, the planetary combinations for a medical practitioner being all present, the lady became a doctor specialist for Cancer due to the combination and aspect relating to the 10th house and the 6th house and Sun, Mars, Herschel, Rahu and Saturn.  

Case 6:

Rahu 4
Hers 5 ®

Sat 8 ®
Moon 8
Pluto 9 ®
Birth: - 12/12/1946
04:00 A.M. Jessore
Balance Sat Dasa up to 19/06/1955

Nept 13
Jup 16
Ven 16
Sun 18
Merc 17
Ketu 18
Mars 19

Case Study: -
The native is an eye-specialist.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Libra rising with the Ascendant being occupied by the Ascendant/8th lord Venus and 3rd/6th lord Jupiter both being posted in the constellation of 6th lord Jupiter. Venus being the lord of the 2nd sign of the Zodiac and Jupiter that of the 12th sign of the Zodiac signify respectively the right and the left eye. The 10th lord Moon, the significator of the left eye is posted in the 10th house combined with 4th/5th lord Saturn, both in the constellation of Saturn and destructive planet Pluto and aspected by the 2nd/7th lord Mars posted in the 3rd house. The significator of the right eye, the Sun combined with Mercury, the lord of the 6th sign of the Zodiac and the significator of the nerve system combined with Ketu is posted in the 2nd house also signifying the right eye. The 12th house is aspected by Saturn from the 10th house. Thus, these combinations made the native to build his career as an eye-specialist. 

Friday, 2 November 2012

Criminal Cases

Astrological factors for crimes
In Astrology, Rahu is the significator of all sorts of unsocial activities involving greed, material enjoyments, illegal earnings and conjugal relations, hankering for power, cheating, addictions, injurious activities to others etc. A relation between Rahu and Mars in a natal chart particularly relating to 10th house makes the native a criminal. Relation between Rahu and Saturn is likely to aggravate the situation by shrewdness and hypocrisy. Relation of Rahu with Sun is likely to make the native a law breaker unless otherwise controlled by benefics. Relation of Rahu with the 12th house and/or its lord is likely to make the native a criminal both at home and abroad and may cause imprisonment or monitory penalization. Relation of Rahu with the 8th house and/or its lord is likely to involve the native with underworld activities and a further relation with Venus is likely to involve in criminal activities in respect of females. Relation of Rahu with Mercury may result in forgery, cheating with documents, business etc.

Case 1:

Ketu 23

Birth :- 11/10/1961
11:30 a.m.(Kolkata)
Balance Rahu Dasa Up to

Jup 21
Sat 21
Ven 12
Rahu 10
Hers 10
Pluto 11

Moon 15
Mars 15
Merc 15®
Neptune 15


Case Study: -
The native is an International fraud making crores of money through fraudulent activities during 1994 and 1995. He swallowed a 10 inch long knife in December 2002 in Germany when arrested by the police. In 2007 he has been arrested and brought to Kolkata by C.B.I.  

Analysis: -
The native is born under Saggitarius rising with the Ascendant lord Jupiter debilated in the 2nd house, but having debilation cancelled due to the association with 2nd lord Saturn, the latter being in mutual aspect with 5th/12th lord Mars posted in the 11th house. The 6th/11th lord Venus is posted in the 9th house in inimical sing Leo in combination with Rahu signifying unsocial activities and Herschel signifying uncommon affairs, both in the constellation of Ketu signifying secrecy and also with Pluto, the planet signifying destructive activities in the constellation of Venus. The 9th lord Sun is posted in the 10th house but hemmed between malefics and benefics both and aspected by debilated Jupiter combined with Saturn. The 11th house is occupied by 8th lord Moon, 5th/12th lord Mars, 7th/10th lord Mercury combined with Neptune, the significator of mysterious activities, all being posted in the constellation of Rahu which is itself posted in the 9th house signifying the ups and downs of the fate. Thus, these combinations rendered the native an international criminal in respect of monitory involvements, but due to the affliction of 9th lord Sun posted in the 10th house and the affliction of 11th house as also the 9th house made the native ultimately subject to imprisonment.   

 Case 2 (a):

Rahu 07
Moon 05

Jup 27 ®

Sun 09
Ven 09
Birth:- 14/08/1963
02:30 P.M ( Bankura)
Balance Mars Dasa up to 05 years, 11 months & 29 Days.

              Saturn 23 ®
Merc 11
Hers 10
Pluto 11

Mars 13

Nep 15


Case Study: -
The native was engaged as a security guard in a multi-storied building. On 05/03/1990 he committed a rape on a school girl residing in that building after getting the girl murdered. On 09/05/1990 he was arrested and on 14/08/2004 he was hanged by neck till death.

Analysis: -
The native was born under Saggitarius rising with the Ascendant being occupied by strong Ketu and aspected by strong Rahu from the 7th house and weak Mars from the 10th house. The 5th/12th lord Mars is posted in the 6th sign of the Zodiac viz. Virgo in the constellation of the 8th lord Moon which is itself exalted in the 6th house in the constellation of Mars and aspected by Rahu. The 8th house is occupied by the 9th lord Sun, the significator of royal power, in association with the strong enemy Venus, the 6th/11th lord, both in the constellation of 7th/10th lord Mercury, the significator of Laws and aspected by primary maraka Saturn posted in the primary maraka house Capricorn. Although, Mars is aspected by Jupiter, the retrogression of the latter has reduced its controlling effect to a degree. The 9th house is occupied by 7th/10th lord Mercury combined with Herschel, the significator of uncommon and all sorts of adventures and with Pluto, the significator of destructive activities. The relation between 7th/10th, their lords Mercury, the 6th/11th lord Venus in the 8th house combined with the 9th lord Sun in mutual aspect with Saturn, the deposition of Rahu in the 7th house, its aspect on the 6th house occupied by the 8th lord Moon, the relation of Moon with Saturn and the aspect of Mars on the Ascendant provoked the native to commit such an animal like passionate crime and the same combination of Sun and Venus in the 8th house in the constellation of Mercury and in mutual aspect with primary maraka Saturn resulted in the native’s being sentenced to death by the legal authority of the country.        

Case 2 (b):

Moon 6
Jup 6

Sun 25
Merc 24

Ketu 9
Date & Time: 05/03/1990 between 05:30 A.M. - 06:00 A.M
Mars 21
Ven 21
Rahu 20

Pluto 16 ®

 Sat 21
Hers 20
         Nep 20

Case Study: -
He committed the crime on this day.

Analysis: -
On this day, the Ascendant of the native was occupied by malefic Saturn in the constellation of Sun and combined with Herschel and Neptune signifying respectively the uncommon and passionate activities. The 7th house was occupied by the Ascendant lord Jupiter combined with the 8th lord Moon, both in the constellation of Rahu and aspected by Saturn from the Ascendant. The 6th lord Venus and the 5th lord Mars are combined with malefic and planet for anti-social activities viz. Rahu in the primary maraka house and hemmed between malefics. The 9th lord Sun and the 7th/10th lord Mercury, the significator for common-sense and legal affairs are posted in the 3rd house and aspected by Saturn and afflicted Jupiter. These combinations made the native lose his common-sense and made him extremely passionate as the result of which he committed this crime on that date.

Case 2 (c):

Jup 06

Sun 02
Merc 02 ®
Ven 26

Mars 24

  Ketu 09
Date :- 09/05/1990

               Sat 21
              Rahu 22

Moon 16
Pluto 16 ®

Hers 20 ®                 
Nep 20 ®                                                                                                                  

Case Study: -
The chart is for 09/05/1990 when he was arrested.

Analysis: -
On 9/5/1990 i.e. the date on which he was arrested, the Moon was posted in Libra i.e. the 6th sign from the natal Moon aspected by Saturn combined with Rahu in Capricorn i.e. 9th house the natal Moon as also by the combination of Sun and Mercury in Aries in the 12th sign from the natal Moon. The deposition of Sun and Mercury in the 12th house i.e. the sign Aries from the natal Moon signifies police custody in legal matters relating to female affairs as the combination occurred in the constellation of Venus, the lord of the 6th sign from the natal Moon where Moon itself was posted on that date. During that period the natal Moon was aspected by Rahu combined with Saturn in Capricorn and the 7th/12th lord Mars from Aquarius. These combinations resulted in the native’s being arrested by the police.     

Case 2 (d):
Ven 06
Sat 07

Rahu 01

Hers 24
Asc Sun 09
Moon 08
Date:- 14/08/2004

Nep 22
Mars 10
Merc 11
Jup 12

Ketu 15

Pluto 18

Case Study: -
The chart is for 14/08/2004 in the early morning when he was hanged by neck till death.

Analysis: -
At the time of the native’s being hanged, it was Cancer rising i.e. the 8th house from the natal Ascendant. The 9th lord Sun, the significator of life and the 8th lord Moon were combined in Cancer and hemmed between malefics i.e. primary maraka Saturn and 6th/11th lord Venus on one side and Mars, the secondary maraka Mercury and Kendradhipati-cum-Ascendant lord Jupiter on the other. The natal Ascendant itself was aspected by Rahu, Venus and Saturn as also by the benefic Jupiter itself afflicted by malefics. The combination of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter was also aspected by Saturn combined with Venus as also by strong malefic Rahu. The 2nd Kendra i.e. the 12th sign of the Zodiac Pisces was aspected by Rahu, Saturn and Mars. The 3rd Kendra i.e. the sign Gemini was occupied by malefics Venus and Saturn while the 4th Kendra i.e. the sign Virgo was free from any aspect. The 3rd house i.e. the sign Aquarius was aspected by afflicted combination of Mars, Mercury and Jupiter while its lord Saturn itself afflicted being combined with 6th/11th lord Venus. Thus, except the 4th Kendra all other related houses for longevity being strongly afflicted and the significator of royal power and vitality of life i.e. the Sun and the significator for public sentiment i.e. the Moon being against the Ascendant, the native was hanged by neck till death.     

Case 3:

Mars 5    Sat 5   
     Moon 3
       Hers 4

    Sun 24
   Merc 23
Jup 9 ®
Rahu 8
Pluto 8 ®

Birth:- 01/03/1944
10:00 a.m. (Kolkata)
Balance Sun Dasa up to

Ven 22
Ketu 22

Nept 13 ®

Case Study: -
The native is apparently a sympathetic and cultured person, but within himself he possesses a vindictive attitude and evil senses devoid of all conscience and is also a hypocrite.

Analysis: -
The native is born under Taurus rising with the 3rd lord Moon, 7th/12th lord Mars and 9th/10th lord Saturn posted in the Ascendant. These combinations made the native a determined fellow but in the evil sense. The combination of Mars and Saturn in the Ascendant rendered his activities against the good senses. The combination of Rahu and exalted 8th/11th lord Jupiter in the 3rd house Cancer caused a strong Guru-Chandal Dosha in the house of common-sense. This resulted in his common-sense being opposite to the normal values and composed of hypocritical attitude. The deposition of Ascendant/6th lord Venus combined with Ketu in the 9th house Capricorn and mutually aspected by Rahu and Jupiter in Cancer resulted in the native’s being devoid of all conscience and sacred outlook. The deposition of Sun and Mercury in the 10th house and aspected by the 9th/10th lord malefic Saturn combined with antagonistic Mars and Moon caused the native break laws in vogue for personal interest resulting in huge crimes to the society.             
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